(27) A Christmas Special

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Guess what you guys?! It's Christmas break! Woo ho! But I have homework -_- I have to research some stuff about Indian Tribes. I really hate my teacher sometimes but she's real funny so whatever. 

~Kol Kol Kol Kol Kol P.O.V  (I used Russia's laugh!)~

"Wake up!" I yelled still jumping on Ara's bed. Everyone was already awake and downstairs. Jenna already took lots and lots of pictures and we haven't even started opening presents yet.

"No. I will not become one with Mother Russia," she mumbled in her sleep and turned around. I stopped my jumping and stared at her. This girl comes up with very stupid sayings.

"Ara. Ara. Ara. Ara. Wake up! I will get Jenna up here!" I threatened her. All she did was moan in agreement and shifted a bit.

"You go do that Romano. I'll just play with Kumajirou," she said smiling slightly. I sighed and flashed downstairs. Everybody but Jenna and Elijah were mostly asleep on the couches and arm chairs.

"Jenna can you help me with Ara? She keeps mumbling stuff," I whined to my girlfriend. She turned around and sighed.

"What exactly was she mumbling?" she asked me.

"She said 'No I will not become one with Mother Russia' and 'You go do that Romano. I'll just play with Kumajirou'," I told her.

She smiled slightly at me before nodding. "I'll go and wake her up. Stay here and wake up everyone. We will have guests arriving soon."

She flashed away and I turned to Elijah. "Who'll be here?"

He took a sip from his hot chocolate before smirking at me. "I invited the Volturi, the Wolf Pack, and the Cullens."

"What?" I said laughing.

"And I will ask Ara to have a little concert for us," he added on. I busted out laughing making everyone around me wake up. 

"What the bloody hell?" I heard Rebekah ask groggily.

"Elijah...Is...Going...To...Ask...Ara...To...Sing...In...Front...Of...Other...People," I told her in between breaths.

Pretty soon everyone was laughing along with me. Elijah glared at us and mumbled something about trying.

"I don't get why you woke me up this early morning," We heard a voice ask from the stairs. "And why is everyone laughing?"

We saw Ara in grey Mickey Mouse pajamas. Her hair was down and it had some messed up curls. Personally she didn't look like she just woke up.

"So? Is anybody going to answer my question?" she asked us when she finally got down from the stairs.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" Mostly everyone but Elijah said. With that we all looked at each other and ran like hell to the door. At least we wouldn't face the wrath of an angry Ara.

~Ara's P.O.V~

"Mattie? Mattie please wake up," I heard a voice from above me. I groaned and turned. I heard the person sigh before I felt hands push me off of my bed.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est ça?!" I yelled in French. You see when I got into the anime phase I started to watch Hetalia. And after lots of episodes with Canada (and Doujinshii's) I forced Elijah to come and take me to Paris to learn French.

"Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que je vais faire?" Jenna yelled back. We both learned it since she was in love with France. No wonder why she's dating Kol. Their both perverts.

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