I'm Sorry

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Middle Stairwell
2/19th SWG Barracks
2/19th Special Weapons Group Area
Secure Area, Alfenwehr
West Germany
28 October, 1987

"STAND AND DELIVER!" I bellowed out, kicking the man I'd impaled on the machete in the face and knocking him down the stairs. He collided with the two men coming up behind him, tangling up, and all of them losing their footing on the icy steps. I grabbed the railing as my knee buckled but quickly regained my footing, ignoring the burning pain in my knee. The others at the base of the stairs fell back as three men tumbled backwards. Someone threw a hatchet and the lizard snatched it out of the air and whipped it back, the hand axe taking the thrower in the chest, spraying blood that froze immediately.

A hasty volunteer climbed up the stairs, grabbing onto the handrails on opposite sides to keep from slipping on the frozen blood. His face was determined, his nose and ears had suffered from frostbite, but he had the yellowish cast in his eyes I'd seen in people who were jaundiced.

"I'M SORRY!" Cromwell's voice echoed around me. I ignored her, her apology was meaningless, I'd tasked her with getting the preggos and the chapters into the War Fighter Tunnels, not holding my hand when it got hot and heavy.

But I knew what she meant...

...Dobbs kicking the door shut on King and the masked killer...

"DAMN YOU TO HELL, CROMWELL, YOU BITCH! GET THEM OUT!" I bellowed out, furious at her wasting time yelling to me to assuage her soul. I was backing steadily up the stairs till I reached the landing. The next volunteer ate the toe of my boot, blood and teeth spraying from his mouth as he fell backwards. "YOU'VE ALL GOT NOTHING! NOTHING!"

I was 210 pounds of Army forged street machine, these guys were punks. I'd faced better men than them, in worse circumstances, and I was the one still breathing.

The next pair came at me at the same time. "YOU ARE CHAFF BEFORE THE SCYTHE!" came unbidden out of my mouth, the lizard firmly in control. I kicked the first one in the face, and when the second one reached the landing I grabbed the front of his field jacket, accepting the punch in the face. The blow was robbed as all strength as the guy's eyes widened in shock. He coughed, blood running down his chin and his face starting to turn blue as his heartbeat suddenly stopped. I shoved him backwards, my knee almost going out as it buckled under the strain.

The door boomed shut as I turned and ran up the stairs to the next floor.

They'd be hunting me now, but I had the edge. I kicked the door open hard enough to shatter the ice and bounce it across the way. The cold had made the hinges brittle and my kick blew it completely out of the frame. I didn't pay attention, I whirled around and ran up the stairs, staying close to the wall to keep the vibration down.

It didn't matter, they were running up the stairs behind me, howling blood lust or worse.

...they catch me, they're gonna eat me...

I hit the second floor landing and blew through the door. I knew that the ice that coated the floor was going to be there and used it to slide into the hallway, hitting the far wall with my left shoulder right before my boots caught traction and I slammed through the ice covered mid-point doors, the ice raining down on me.

I didn't hear them following me, but I still put on the speed, sliding to stop in front of 221. I dug my keys out of my pocket and quickly unlocked the door, shoving it open and then taking off running again.

SPC Marcelone's room was only a few doors down and I slid to a stop again, opening the door and putting my shoulder against the door to get it to open. The ice cracked and fell around me, but I knew it was a detail they'd miss. I shut the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily. I was light-headed, my blood pounding in my ears, and my knee was killing me. I slid down slowly, putting my head between my knees, and breathing in through my nose and out from mouth to keep it under control.

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