You Cheated On Me

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***Weeks Later ***

It has  been weeks since Luke was angry at me .
Now were together and better than ever. 
Today , Luke is taking me on a lunch date .
I got ready . By the time I came downstairs to wait for Luke , Luke was already there .
I asked him ,"How long were you waiting for me ?".
"Not long ," He said.

"Okay , let's go ," I said .
We entered the restaurant and we talked and ate and many  more .
When we came out the restaurant , some girl called Luke. 
"Hey Luke , were you looking for me ?" The girl asked.
"No," Luke said with unease .

I was  surprised that Luke knew this girl to answer her .
"Then why are here ?" The girl asked.
"I uhh ," Luke said unsure of what to say .
"Luke what is going on ?" I asked him.
"Hi , I am Candice ," The girl said introducing herself to me.
"Jesisca ," I said.
"What are you doing with Luke ?" She asked me.

"What do you by mean that ?" I asked her.
"Let's  go ," Luke said .
"No Luke , I want to hear what she's saying ," I said .
"No you don't ," Luke said .
"Luke !" I said.
"Nice ring ," Candice said. 
"Thanks ," I said. 
"Who got it for you ?" Candice asked me. 
"Luke ," I said .

"Wait , you gave her that ring ?" She asked Luke. 
"Yeah why ?" Luke said.
"You lying little bastard ," Candice said. 
"Excuse me ," I said.
"You told me that was for your mother ," Candice said.
"You showed her my ring ," I said.

"That's not the only thing he showed me ," Candice said.
I heard Luke say in a soft tone ,"Oh shit ".
"What do you mean ?" I asked her.
"Let's just go ," Luke said trying to get me to leave with him .
"That's why you never let me come into your house ," Candice said.

"Luke , what is she talking about ?" I asked Luke.
"He cheated on you with me and did the same thing to me ," Candice said.
"Luke ,"  I said in a shock .
Candice cut Luke off and said , "Go ahead.  Tell her what you showed me and told me ".
"Let's go ," Luke said to me.
"Tell me ," I said.
"My love," Luke said.

"Tell me Luke ," I said while my voice started to crack.
"Tell her or I will ," Candice said.
He took my hands in his and I pulled away from him .
"My -
I cut him off and said , "Tell me ".

He said in defeat ,"I had sex with her and told her special things about her".
"I thought you told me that you wouldn't go back to your old ways ," I said.
"I can't help it Jess ," Luke said.
"You lied  to me ," I said now that tears were dripping down my eyes.
"I didn't want to but I had to . My body is use to it ," Luke said.

"I thought you had changed but I guess I was wrong ;" I said.
I ran off to God knows where .
I ignored Luke calling after me.
I ended up at Sophie's house . I knocked on the door and Sophie answered. 
She saw my face and said ,"Come in ".

She made me calm down and she asked me , "What happened ".
"Luke cheated on me with some girl that he had sex with ," I said.
"That idiot never knows when you should cheat or not ," Soph said.
"I'm sorry ," I said.
"It's okay . It's not your fault ," Soph said.

Then we heard a loud bang that came from the front door .
Luke saw us and said , "Jess , we need to talk ".
"I don't want to talk to you ," I said.
"Please , I need to explain ," Luke said.
"I don't want to listen to your explanation ," I said.
"Please ," Luke said.
"No ," I said.

He looked over at Soph and she said,"Don't involve me in any of this . I'm leaving " .
She left us alone and I didn't know Luke was standing next to me.
When I saw him , he caught me when I tried to get away. 
"Luke , let go ," I said trying to break free.
"No , we need to talk ," Luke said.
"No we don't . All that will come out of that talk is more lies ," I said.

"No it's not gonna be . Jessica , I didn't mean to hurt you . I really needed it . I didn't want to cheat on you but my body tempted  me to do it.  Jesisca you have to believe me ," Luke said.
"No Luke , you cheated on me ," I said.
"I know that and I'm sorry," Luke said.

"No Luke , I can't just forgive you . What if you do it again ," I said.
"I promise I won't . Please just forgive me ," Luke said.

"Luke ," I said.
"Please ," Luke said begging me.

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