Chapter 17// Prince Charming

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Chapter 17

That night I made my way up to the Astronomy Tower again. I was already exhausted since it was night time and there were so many stairs.
I kept hoping that the next step is the last one but it keeps going.

Just then a letter fell out my pocket.

I picked it up and it was the letter I forgot to open. Quickly I ripped it open and pulled out the parchment.

'Dear Rosie,
Of course I won't tell your father, but if this guy means so much to you, you should tell him. I know the Ball is coming up, don't make the mistake I did.

Honey you should know by now that you can't keep secrets from me, I know that the boy your talking about is Scorpius Malfoy. I saw the way you looked at him at Christmas dinner.

I'm sure Mr Malfoy will be skeptical at first, but one he got to know you he would humbly accept you and Scorpius's relationship. No parent, not even Draco Malfoy would be cruel enough to keep two people's love apart.

Your father might be shocked and a bit disappointed, he wants what's best for you. I'm sure Harry will be happy for you. They just need to see how mannered Scorpius is. I know he is.

Love mum'

I folded the letter back up and tucked it in my pocket. Now I felt nervous about meeting him.
  Finally I reached the last few stairs and saw Scorpius standing up the top.
  His shirt was buttoned up and he had long pants on. He looked, nice. And then there was me in Pjs because I was too lazy to put clothes on.

"About time." He smirks.

I slap his arm. "Do you know how many stairs I had to take to see you, you little shit." I say. My eyes widened realising that I just swore out loud.

"You swore." He pointed.

"Sue me." I say dramatically.

"No I'll make you dance instead. we got the basic steps, now I want you to put a bit of passion into it."

"Ok." I say awkwardly. I go over the steps and try to think of a beat in my head.

"And, nice Pjs by the way." I heard his say next to me.

I blush and looked down on my Green and red shirt and bottoms. Oh. Oh, I see why he likes them...
I think back to the ordiment he gave me for Christmas with the snake and a griffin, wings open next to it. I smile.

I was too tied up in the thought of Scorpius's Christmas present when I tripped over my feet, or air, or something invisible. But instead of me thinking he would catch me even if it was so cliché, he hadn't actually noticed that I fell. So there I was, hands and knees on the ground with no prince in shining white armour to save me.

Well the prince with blonde hair and blue eyes was standing right next to me, but still didn't see the sudden fall of a girl in green and red Pjs. Wow, real smooth.

And still Prince Charming had his head in the clouds.

"Oh, are you okay Rose?" He says grabbing my hand. OH NOW HE HELPS! Wow no one should cast him in a fairy tale character as Prince Charming, the princess may as well save her own bloody ass.

I mean, WHO NEEDS A PRINCE? We lady's can live without those beautiful charming men.

"Are you okay? ROSE please say your okay!" He says shaking me.

"I'm fine, thanks for teaching me how to fall." I snap.

"Try not to fall next time." He says.

"Well, if I wasn't in such a good mood right now, there will be no next time. All that will be left of you will be your Ashes." I threaten.

"Ah, okay. Crystal clear." He says as his eyes widened.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Yeeeeeeee

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