Chapter 31// Hugo happened

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~Chapter 31~

I was really comfortable. Was it morning already?

"Hey wake up!" I hear someone.

I lift my hand to shoo them away but instead I hit so ones face.

"Ow, thanks Rose." The voice said disturbingly.

I flutter my eyes open and look at my surroundings. I was curled up on a mattress on the floor, with Scorpius laying beside me. His arms were wrapped around my waist locking me in the position.

Then there was Albus looking upon us with raised eyebrows.

"Ah, hi Albus" I say embarrassed.

"You look comfy there." He smirks. I glare at my cousin.

"What happened?"

He hesitated before answering. "Uh, Hugo happened. He somehow knows your dating Scorpius."

"What? But we didn't tell anyone!" I say sitting up.

"Well you  didn't have to, I guess actions do speak louder than words." He says pointing to Scorpius cuddling me.

I turn to face Scorpius and shake him awake. "Scorpius wake up!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" He  suddenly said with his eyes still shut.

"Hugo knows." I say to him.

"What?" He says opening his eyes. Scorpius looks at me confused then he jumps back in sight of Albus.
"Albus. Mate you scared me!"

Albus rolled his eyes. "Hugo has gone to tell Ron."

"No..." I breathe.


Sorry for the really short chapter:)
This book is ending soon 😕☹️

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