Chapter 39

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"Never, ever, am I going to let you choose movie again!" I say as we follow the stream of people out of the cinema. Coming out to the main hall, I turn and see that Jack is wearing a big grin on his face.

"I thought it was funny," he teases.

"Funny? I have been scarred for life!" My voice is higher than I intend to and we get some curious looks from nearby persons. Jack gives me a tired stare and then rolls his eyes.

I see a girl eyeing him up and down from afar.

"Lets just go home." I mutter and drag him out of the cinema before he notices her.

I am not used to liking someone that is eye-candy to every woman on this planet. It is quite tiresome; I can't help feeling uneasy every time a girl checks out Jack. What if he finds more interest in her than me?

I still don't really understand why he wants to be with me, when I am obviously not what he usually... chooses, so to speak. I would like to say dating, but that wouldn't be correct. Most girls, probably, don't get more than the first date with him. If she is lucky.

I jump into the passenger seat, Jack is still insisting on driving. Honestly, what is his problem?

"Why can't I drive?" I ask as he pulls out.

"You know why."

Ugh, what is he? My parent?

"No, Jack, actually I don't."

Which is true. All I know is that he didn't want me to drive while I was angry, but I am not angry now. Besides after what I have heard, Jack's driving is pretty reckless. I wonder why I haven't experienced that...

Jack keeps quiet and irritated I cross my arms.

"I'm talking to you, Jack."

He sighs and gets a small frown between his brows.

"I don't like having other people driving the car I am in," he says slowly.

"But I have seen numerous of times getting into cars driven by someone else at school." I tell him puzzled. Though it hasn't been this semester, since we have been riding together to and from school. But I saw it loads of times last semester.

"Well that was before..." He mumbles, chewing on his thumbnail. He glances at me for a brief second, in a way that makes me feel like a complete idiot. Am I supposed to get a hint from that?

"Before what?" I ask confused. I don't get this at all, what could have possibly happened that made Jack scared of riding with other drivers? Suddenly it dawns on me.

The car crash.

I pale instantly and gasp. Jack glances quickly at me with a stern look on his face.

"I didn't realise..." I whisper horrified and feel my heart sink. Wait a minute; I thought Jack wasn't in the car crash? Wasn't that just his parents?

"I thought you weren't in the car..." I start slowly, my voice barely audible. I know that I have to be cautious with this, because it is very personal and as far as I know: Jack hates being personal, emotional too for that matter.

I sit with my hands clasped together in my lap and glance briefly at Jack from time to time.

He keeps quiet though and I feel my heart sink even deeper in my chest.

He doesn't want to talk to you.

For some reason that hurts more than it should. I am not surprised that Jack doesn't want to open up about all his secrets with me, however I wish he wanted to.

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