Chapter 86

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"Hey Jack." A girl flirtatiously greet him as we are heading down the driveway and I snort.

Can there be one damn minute without him being eye-raped by some horny girl? I don't think so.

Jack nods at the girl but follows me out on the street. We are meeting Jack's secret friend further down the road at a mini shop.

"Another one of your lovers I presume?" I mutter angrily as I stomp along the street.

Jack sighs tiredly. "Stop being so childish, Sarah."

I immediately stop and turn around. "Childish? Childish?" I hiss at him. "How dare you call me childish!"

Jack meets my angry gaze with one of his owns.

"I have every right to call you childish, because right now you are acting as a child!"

"I am not acting like a child! I have all the right reasons to suspect you of sleeping with someone. It is the only thing you do!" I snap and Jack's eyes narrow threateningly.

"Come again?" He hisses icily.

"You heard me! The only thing you do is play girls, like with that fucking bet!" I scream.

This is the first time the bet has been brought up since I found out about it. We have both avoided the subject.

"Yes, about that. If you would only let me explain-"

"Explain! Oh that is rich..." I laugh without any humor. "You want to explain why you slept with me, huh? Is that it?"


"Are you also going to explain your reasons behind it? The money? Please do!" I am shouting full on now and tears have started to fall down my cheeks.

All emotions that I have been holding in these past weeks are resurfacing and I can no longer hold them in.

"Please explain how you could just use me like that! I gave it all to you and you just used me! You fucked me and then threw me away like thrash!" I am sobbing so hard that I barely get the words out.

Jack is wearing a pained expression on his face and I can imagine that I somewhat look the same. He tries to reach out for me, but I jerk away from him.

"Explain to me how you could throw away the girl who loves you!" I sob.

When I finally realize what I just said, my hands flies up to cover my mouth. Regretfully I close my eyes. Now you've done it, Sarah.

Jack is staring dumbfounded at me with his mouth open. Probably unable to believe what he is hearing. "You.... You love me?" Jack whispers with a shocked expression.

"No." I lie weakly and look away with tears streaming down my face. I sniff and use the back of my hand to wipe my nose.

"I would never be so foolish to fall for your shenanigans." I sniff again.

"My shenanigans?" Jack repeats amused.

However there is something more to his expression, something I have never seen before. His eyes are looking at me in the most gentle way ever, he has never looked at me like that earlier.

"Yes, your stupid shenanigans." I say and wipe my tears forcefully. Jack brings my harsh movements to a halt and puts his own thumbs on each of my cheeks, wiping them gently.

"I believe you like my shenanigans." He smiles and looks deep into my eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous. I could never feel affection towards a guy like you." I say miserably and another tear spill.

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