chapter fourteen!

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𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍, 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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( 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖌𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 )

Isabelle was at work for what felt like the first time in months. She was determined to get her life back on track but it was hard when everyone she blinked, she saw Peter Hale.

She was dazed out when her manager slammed a bad down next to the desk she was at. Elle jolted back into reality to see she had been tagging the same item of clothing at least fifteen times.

"Uh, sorry Maggie. I guess I'm not with it today." Elle apologised.

"You're not having a good few months."

Elle frowned. They were starting to get a little attention from her colleagues. "What do you mean?"

Maggie beckoned Elle to follow her through the back of the store and into the office. She gestured for Elle to take a seat opposite her, which the teen took hesitantly. "You're a good worked Isabelle. You work hard, your don't mind the hours. You're even pretty good at handling problem customers."

Elle was confused on where this was going. "Okay-?"

"But the past couple months have not been up to the standard we expect from our staff. Understandably, you have been involved in a few.... incidents the last couple months and we have been lenient and given you time off."

Oh God. Was this going where she thinks it is?

"However-" Yes it was. "-You have taken longer time off than given and when you finally turn up to work it is with extremely poor results. This is not the Isabelle we hired seven months ago. And this is not the you we want to carry on employing."

"You're firing me?" Elle gasped. This was not what she needed.

Maggie looked at her sternly from opposite the desk. She felt for the girl, she really did, but there was nothing she could do. This was HR, she was just the messenger. "Consider this a warning. I don't think you'll get another one."

Isabelle nodded mutely and stood up to go back to the front of the shop. She was in shock. Was she really slacking that much?

The rest of the shift was awkward. She could tell her work friends wanted to know what happened but she was still in too much shock to say a word. Lydia strolled in at some point to pick dresses for her birthday. She managed to snap her blonde accomplice out of her daze and help her choose.

Once Lydia had bought the dresses, making sure she got Isabelle's approval at the checkout, she hovered around for a milkshake, waiting for her friend's shift to end. When Isabelle walked out of the store, Lydia latched onto her and pulled her into her car to go to Allison's.

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