1. The Evan Andrews (Edited)

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It's raining glitter.

I stood, dumbfounded, in the middle of the hallway as I watched the scene in front of me unfold. Glitter seemed to be magically falling from the ceiling as I looked up in confusion. The sound of echoing shrills coming from girls and grunts of anger coming from boys could be heard from every which direction. Arms were flailing around everywhere, smacking heads and trying to swat glitter away, but it was no use.

It's still raining glitter.

The double doors of South Riverside High slammed open once again, revealing none other than my best friend, Autumn Sawyer. She stopped dead in her tracks, a mix of horror and confusion written all over her face.

Her blue eyes twinkled with confusion as she pushed her Ombre-colored hair out of her face. "What is going on in here?"

"No idea," I muttered, as we both stood at the entrance of the hall, watching everyone go completely berserk, practically swatting themselves in the face to try and get all the glitter off them. But, you see, that's the thing about glitter... it doesn't come off.

Autumn and I stood in the hallway, processing the chaotic scene in front of us. I couldn't help but wonder who the culprit of this prank was. It definitely wasn't the senior class, because our prank was planned for the end of the year, so I honestly had no clue who it was. And just as those thoughts ran through my head, the sound of the intercom coming on echoed through the hallways.

"Aiden Parker, please report to the principal's office!"

On second thought, I should've known it was him.

Autumn glanced at me. "Again, with the shorts and t-shirt Emery? I know you have tons of clothes, why do you keep wearing the same outfits every day?!" she laughed, referring to the pair of black Nike shorts and blue racerback tank top I was wearing.

Autumn Sawyer was the girl I'd been best friends with since we were four years old. Ever since the first moment we met we were practically inseparable, and that's no exaggeration. She lives two houses down from me, so we practically live with each other. I'm surprised her parents aren't sick of seeing me yet.

She's also the most amazing fashion expert—as you could tell from her comment about my clothes. I, personally, have never been very good at picking out cute outfits and clothes, unlike Autumn. You see, it's not the fact that I hate shopping—because I don't, I absolutely love it—the only problem is I'm terrible at matching and I have no fashionista hindsight to help me.

"What?!" I cried, with a faint smile on my face, knowing we had this same argument every single morning. Her always preaching that it was time for a makeover, but me always responding with the I don't have anyone to impress speech. "What's wrong with this?!"

As we made our way through the hallways, everyone seemed to be calming down from their mental breakdowns. It had finally stopped raining glitter and, thankfully, Autumn and I had avoided getting any glitter on us, so the only thing we had to worry about was it getting stuck to our shoes.

"Nothing... other than the fact that you wear the exact same thing every day!"

"It's comfy!" I argued as we headed to first period, climbing the staircase, and trying to avoid being pushed around by all the tall, lanky guys.

Autumn looked at me with the utmost expression of annoyance.

"Seriously! I've seen people who wear the cutest outfits, yet they're still comfortable. That's not a valid excuse."

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