#1: Camp Sex

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If I'm remembering correctly, this story was inspired by a story I read on a porn site, and just kinda went from there. Both stories are different of course but both are set in camp, and both involve a camp counselor being interested in a camper.

Originally the story was going to be three different chapters but then I decided, probably when I was working on part three, to instead make it into one story to put into the collection. That's the main reason why it's the longest in the series with over 4,000 words, while the other ones have just over a thousand, except for "MastYourBated" which is just under that.

First attempt at a gay story.

This is the only one in the series, (so far), that has my main character with four, (five if you count Tracey, even though that wasn't shown), other lovers, including Teresa. Erica is very horny.

This is the first story with shower scenes that were actually in detail. Horny At 17 mentioned a shower but I didn't describe it.

This is the first story that has a character be bisexual. All the other characters I've made are either gay or straight.

First story with (laugh) added.

The whole "half-gay" thing is what I call myself, so there's a part of me in there.

The first kiss between Erica and Teresa, (the way it happened I mean), was inspired by Castle and Beckett's first kiss in an episode of Castle. I can't remember which one it was but I do know that it was from season three.

Originally there was going to be a threesome between Erica, Teresa, and Ruth, but since this story is mainly about just Teresa and Erica, that part was left out.

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