#5: Horny Spirits

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This was sort of inspired by a sex chat with a girl I had, but that was never finished so I added some parts to it.

Third story, (I think), with a shower scene; as of then.

Since the main characters are both cheerleaders, I naturally wanted to give them names that fit. Both of their names were the original choices and were not changed once.

Even though it wasn't my intention, this story basically has something in common with "Wet Sex"; the main character wanted someone else for a while and then finally got them. That wasn't really my plan but I guess it makes sense since both stories were written AND posted on the same day, (not the exact same day I mean).

Third attempt, I think, at a lesbian story. I'm not saying they're the only ones planned but as of then they were the only ones posted.

I wasn't planning on doing a shower scene but as I was writing, that part just came to mind. I also wasn't planning on one of the girls having a boyfriend, but that also came in the same way, same with Chloe's twisted ankle.

Took a while to write but I finally got it finished. It definitely needed some planning but hopefully it worked out fine.

Originally, I was going to mention that Britney was singing a Lady Gaga song in the shower, (since I absolutely adore her), but for some reason the choice of song was left to the imagination, but that was my original plan.

The sequel to this is one of my few stories that starts in the sex immediately; "Camp Sex" and its finale is another such example, same with the sequel to "My Boyfriend's Father" in Erotica: Round Two.

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