Chapter 21

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait!! I wanted to upload two weeks ago (wow that's a long time) but I didn't realize that teachers like to give study guides five days before Exam Week, so I didn't have time at all, so I apologize.

Anyways, please enjoy the chapter, I tried to make it as long as possible and even put some action in it . . . just a bit!! I hope you enjoy it! Have a good winter break everybody!!


Chapter 21

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone gives you courage."

-     Lao Tzu


Rhea sighed and leaned back against the sofa she was sitting on, gazing longingly outside. How wonderful the outside seemed. She reckoned it was quite a beautiful day out there. She smiled softly, thinking of the times when she had spent the time with her friends, exploring the world; of course, not too far whereas their parents could not see them.

A frown graced her lips. It felt like it had been a century since she'd been outside during this time when, really, it had only been a little over a year. She wondered if Hadrian would accompany her outside. She let out another frustrated sigh.

Hadrian had been acting very paranoid, as if someone would attempt to push her out in front of another carriage. Admittedly, Rhea was likewise frightened. She knew someone had pushed her; she was sure of it.

At the moment, she regretted not notifying Hadrian and confirming what he firmly believed, but what good would that do? She may have been exaggerating the incident. She was reluctant to make an unnecessary scene that would make her seem foolish.

Hadrian already had enough madness going on, she saw no need to add to it with her petty problems. She quickly shook off the issue and closed her eyes. Immediately, an image of Hadrian came to and she felt her heart stop.

Oh, but he had been quite the gentlemen as she had been recovering. He had stayed by her side and fed her, cared for her, read to her. Just the other night, he had laid by her, touching her so tenderly that she had cried softly.

She was unsure of this change in Hadrian. He made it as if she was a fragile glass doll, as if he were only treasuring her, hiding her away.

She did not want to be a token nor did she want to be a fragile doll.

She wanted to be his wife. Someone who he believed he could share himself with freely, where he could draw strength from her and not fear that he had taken too much, she wanted to be loved fiercely, with a passion, not with fear that she might break with the slightest touch.

It seemed that the more Hadrian believed she was breakable, the more he drew away, confining himself away from her, locking up his heart.

Rhea had watched it with helplessness, the incident had changed him, and it may feel that it was for the best, but he no longer talked to her in a way that he assumed she could not handle. Granted, it had always been this way, but he seemed even more guarded.

"Rhea?" Rhea's eyes came open as she heard her husband's voice. She glanced about the room, unable to locate him. He called again and she realized he was outside the parlor room. She stood, unsteadily at first, but then regained her balance.

"Rhea, my love?" Hadrian called out again. Rhea rolled her eyes.

The man acted as if she could not hear him for a mile.

"Yes, Hadrian, I'm coming," she responded. She made her way to the door but she already heard the impending footsteps. She could not resist the smile that came to her when she was faced with Hadrian's figure.

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