Chapter 34

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Hey guys!! It's another update! Thank so much for sticking it out with me on this rollercoaster ride that is The Duke's Wife!! As this book is coming to a close I have some announcements that will be made about the next book and what to expect!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me if you haven't already! I always enjoy reading your comments and messages to me!

Have a great day . . . or evening, wherever you are!!



"After all, what is happiness? Love, they tell me. But love doesn't bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary, it's a constant state of anxiety, a battlefield; it's sleepless nights, asking ourselves all the time if we're doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony." 

― Paulo Coelho, The Witch Of Portobello


It was cold and windy. Rhea glanced about her, noting that they were on the docks now. It all seemed a blur, walking from the warehouse to the docks. The jostling, cursing, and shoving had fallen to her numb mind without a thought. She clutched her robe closer to her body, shielding her stomach as much as she could.

Lord Ashwin was clutching her arm in a firm hand. She had caught him staring at her multiple times and felt uneasy. What were they planning on doing to her? She tried to not dwell upon it, but the thought pressed to the forefront of her mind relentlessly.

"W-what are we doing here?" she demanded, finally speaking up. Thankfully, they had left Leia behind, and Rhea could only hope that her husband might find her, if he did not first find Rhea. She shivered again, inadequately dressed for the chilling weather.

The sky seemed clogged with snow clouds, and Rhea desperately prayed that they would hold out for a while longer.

Lord Utteridge caught her eye and grinned at her. "Why, my dear, we're waiting on your beloved husband. He should be arriving very soon, I should think."

"W-what . . . What will you do?" Rhea questioned, fear pouring itself into her heart.

Utteridge shrugged, carefree, but Rhea detected the underlying menace, the hate that glanced off his eyes. "All in good time, my dear,"

"P-please, my lord, don't hurt him. He is innocent-"

Utteridge interrupted her, "I wouldn't be so sure. There are many crimes against his name,"

"Perhaps you could bring it to the courts? Then, surely, it will be settled? I am sure of it. You are quite reputable, my lord, and your good nature is seen by all." Rhea voiced, not necessarily sure what she was saying. She didn't care what crimes were against Hadrian, she only did not want to see him hurt, and she had no doubt that that was exactly what Utteridge had in store.

The sound of Utteridge's belting laughs startled her out of her tumultuous thoughts. "I cannot say how pleased I am that you think I am reputable, my lady. Unfortunately, the rest is useless. You see, I am no lord. I never was."

Rhea's mouth fell open, she tried to speak again but was interrupted once more.

"Enough of your talk, chit," Lady Carolotta sneered. "It won't matter, in the end, anyway."

Rhea bit her tongue from saying more. She didn't want to aggravate Utteridge anymore than he already was. She glanced around again and noticed there was a carriage waiting, about a few yards away. It was the same carriage Utteridge and Ashwin had kidnapped her and Leia in. She wondered what it was doing here. Were they leaving with Hadrian someplace?

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