✙ Chapter 19 ✙

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So, I'm so sorry for the late update! I've been busy with school! :/ I hope you like this chapter! Took me two hours to write and it's much longer than I thought it was going to be! Thanks for reading!! :D



"H-how are you alive?" Noah stuttered, utterly shocked. "You're dead - I mean, there was so much b-blood . . ." I looked at the phone in my hand, hoping I was hearing him right. This whole time, my family thought I was dead? Flashing back to the day of falling out of the tree, I remembered the numerous wounds inflicted in my body from teeth and scratches by Drew's pack members. Actually, some of the wounds were still healing, undoubtedly leaving scars on my pale skin. But, after all, I was mauled by a group of werewolves; enough blood could've been left behind for my family to assume I had been dead. I glanced at Drew who was eavesdropping on our conversation for obvious reasons, wondering if he knew about this. Though, he looked confused, an eyebrow raised in question. "God, I can't believe you're alive! We've been going crazy here. . ."

"I'm surprised I'm alive, too," I responded, truthfully. Drew shifted, leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. Sniffling, I wiped a tear away, feeling the hot liquid stroll down my cheek. "I never thought I'd hear from you again."

"Hey, don't cry," he whispered, his voice breaking. "It's going to be okay, I promise. We're going to find you and everything will be back to the way it was." I shook my head, knowing that wasn't going to happen. For one, Drew wasn't going to let me go that easily and if I did escape with my family, it wasn't going to take him long to track me down with his mark on my neck. But, once my family saw the mark, they would've probably kicked me away, claiming I was a disgrace. That, or they sought out Drew and killed him, which believe it or not, I didn't want to happen. His death would've affected me more than I ever wanted it to. "Do you know where you're at? What pack? I'll come get you."

Drew cleared his throat as a warning and I sucked in a breath. "I-I can't tell you." He swore to himself and I rubbed my eye. "Don't worry about me, okay? I'm fine." Lie. No, I wasn't fine - actually, I was far from fine. My body was covered with wounds and the mark on my neck was throbbing, reminding me that I was belonged to dipsh*t. Werewolves with red eyes were running around, posing a threat to everyone, including my family who I missed more than anything in the world. And, if I didn't convince them into stopping the war, there were going to be two wars, meaning a lot of death.

"Not worry about you? It's impossible not to worry about you - you're the most reckless person I know, Nora," he responded, probably rolling his eyes. I scratched my forehead, knowing it was true. I glanced at Drew who was frowning in concentration as he listened to my brother exhale loudly on the other end. "Dad went insane when he heard you were dead; he met with some hunters and now. . .it's just a big mess. And, well, the thought of you dying - just like Mom - nearly killed me! I lost it, Nora. I mean, I thought I had lost another person I cared about. . ."

The mention of our mother sent another tear from my eye and furiously, I wiped it away. Tears were a sign of weakness; I needed to stop crying, especially in front of Drew. I glanced at him, not surprised to see him looking at me with sadness swarming in his eyes. Great, I thought, realizing he now knew my mother was dead and because of the mark, he was probably feeling my emotions, which all consisted of remorse, anger, and heartbreak. But, I didn't need his pity - I didn't need anyone's pity.

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