✙ Chapter 34 ✙

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Finals are done! I'm pretty sure I failed my math final, but oh wells - it's math. So, here's the next chapter! We're getting closer and closer to the end!!



I awoke gradually, drifting between sleep and reality. Opening my eyes, I realized that it was early morning, really early, considering the sun hadn't made an appearance, yet. Usually, sunlight streamed in through the windows, stretching across the dusty floorboards. Rubbing my forehead, I looked over my shoulder, not surprised to find Drew snuggled against me, his arm wrapped securely around my waist. His mouth hung open as he breathed and every once in a while, a snore came. I took a deep breath and slowly, peeled his arm off me. He moaned in response, though his eyes remained shut. When his arm was off me, I scooted off the bed, quietly.

Glancing at him, I tiptoed across the bedroom and opened the door, stepping out into the dimly-lit hallway. It was awfully quiet; I wondered how early it was. I walked down several hallways, unsure of where I was going. I was wide awake, so there wasn't any point into crawling back into bed - I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I ran my fingers through my hair, surprised it wasn't tangled from the amount of tossing and turning in my bed. Lately, I hadn't been sleeping well; I blamed the stress of everything.

Stepping into the kitchen, I was relieved to see that I wasn't the only one struggling with sleep. My brother, Noah, was seated at the granite counter, sipping a glass of milk. He was shirtless with his hair sticking out in all sorts of directions; when he looked my direction, I noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes. He gestured towards the stool next to him and taking a deep breath, I walked around the counter and flopped down. Without asking, I grabbed his glass of milk and took a sip, handing it right back. "How long have you been down here?"

"Twenty minutes," he answered, quietly. "I can't sleep."

I sighed. "Same here."

There was silence as he took another sip of his milk. "So, I heard Caine is teaching you magic - Brody wouldn't shut up about how you're able to light a candle with your mind." I looked at him and shrugged, forcing a grin. He shook his head, spinning his milk around in his glass. "Wow, my little sister has magic. You know, I never thought we'd be here in this situation - with you being the mate of an Alpha and having magic. And, apparently, Mom had a mate, too. Jeez, things have gotten so messed up; I remember when our biggest concern was not failing school. Now, look at us - we're sitting in the Pack House of one of the largest packs in America willingly."

I tapped my fingers on the counter. "Yeah, things have definitely changed."

"And, we're going to war," he continued, shaking his head. "Against Dad and some f*cked-up werewolves."

I cleared my throat. "Have you spoken with him at all since you left?"

"I'm afraid to," he admitted, biting his bottom lip. "We both know he would start screaming, probably blame me for everything." He looked down at the milk in his glass, looking lost in thought for a moment. "You know, maybe this is all my fault. If I taught you better and didn't send you out hunting that day, you wouldn't have been taken - you wouldn't have even encountered these werewolves. Everything would be how it always was with us - "

"Noah, none of this is your fault," I told him, rolling my eyes. "Dad has always blamed us for everything; he blames me especially for Mom's death." His eyebrows knitted together as he looked at me in sadness. "After all, I was the one who found her dead - I think he believes I could've done something to save her. And, trust me, if I could've saved her, I would've, Noah." I nodded my head, blinking back tears as the image of my mother's ripped body appeared in my head. "But, sometimes, blaming others eases the pain."

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