S.R. 2: Emo...

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Ken is knocking on my door and he said he is my tourist guide here in Sagada. I felt the excitement and I’m ready to go.

We go to the hanging coffin; I saw the Rice terraces, Sumaguing and Lumiang Caves and the underground river.

It was the happiest vacation I ever experienced. It was really hard to trust a person but when it comes to Ken I give it perfectly. I remember the things he says “If I did a wrong decision that may hurt you, what will you do? I didn’t mind what he said.

I enjoy his company.

We have the same routine every day, one and a half week past we are now mutual friends we have a lot of differences in each other personality but we all know opposite do attract and I found out that I'm falling inlove to him and I like us to be together.

I feel the voltage that flows to my nerves, its nine in the evening we are walking together and it was too cold he gave me his jacket and he put his arm on my shoulder while we are walking, I don’t want to refuse instead I keep in closer to him, it made me feel better.

I heard a gong and he say that there have a wedding ceremony in the tribe and when you heard it you are invited. I’m so excited to join.

 He holds my hands then we start to sit beside the member of the tribe, they give a rice wine and I drink it, it taste good and I try to drink it another. I feel dizzy and Ken is taken me the rice wine, he tried to stop me because it has a big effect that may get me into drunk.

I dance and hug Ken tightly I confess what I feel to him and he had no reaction as in blank face. I know I’m drunk but it’s my way to confess what I feel.

I feel groggy and I can’t handle myself until Ken carry me then we go back to the Inn. Ken is now talking, you know what I will do everything to make you happy because I need you, I heard it clearly but I have no more energy to move.

I wake up in the morning and I have headache or hangover I’m not ably in drinking.

Someone knocking on the door and I’m not in my room! Ken is standing in front of me and give a cup of tea.

He smiling at me and say this words “you are the most beautiful girl I ever met, you are unique, and the most perfect... what I've love to you is when you get drunk and singing loudly”.

 He laughs out loud. I m blushing, I know, I don’t know how to face him s*** I hate It.! He gave me a killer smile and he sat beside me. I remember what you said to me last night, he is teasing me. I hide on the blanket and starts shouting at him leave me alone! It’s a big humiliation to me. What I’m going to do.? He closed the door while laughing.

After an hour I faced him and start a conversation “I know how you feel and you know what I feel…Ahm. I would like to say thank you for caring me and for a good company that you gave to me when we are here, I enjoyed it those memories we’ve shared.

 Sorry for what I did last night I’m just carried away. Thank you very much. When I say those words he hugged me tightly it was my last day here in Sagada I’m going back to Manila. I saw the grief in his eyes.

I was so shocked when he hugged me because I didn’t mean that he will do that. I have a lot of question in my mind, what will be our relationship after this.

 I don’t know...fix emotion.”

“I’m sorry for the things I’ve done to you I know how you feel to me, please pardon me”. “Please! Listen to what you feel I’m happy to be with you.”

Wait! I can’t breathe I don’t know what you’re talking about please, be prudent, please explain to me what the hell you are talking about!?

 He said to me that I need to call my Dad and I’m shaking I don’t know what he is talking about. I remember he asked me a question

(“If I did a wrong decision that may hurt you, what will you do?)

My phone is now ringing Dad answers me and he knows Ken Maxim a CEO of Engineering Company in Makati gosh he is a good liar!

They have a deal with our company that my ancestors fixed because we need to pay for our debt. His going to Persuade me to his charm, and when I fell in love to him our debt is paid by means of marrying him.

 I am now crying, I don’t know what I’m going to react. Dad said that he never say it to me because he don’t want me to get hurt. But now it’s torturing my heart…they used me I want to shout but I can’t.

I was born to pay for our debt. I can’t believe this ... after those lies the whole year of my life I’m waiting for a man who will love me for who I am but now I hate them all.

My eye is puffed-up because of my tears I want to kill them… Lord helps me for this situation. I slapped him on his face and he was so shocked

“Please I’m so sorry” when I heared those words my heart is torn apart its killing me. I don’t want to hear his voice he is a liar! I went to my room, and I’m so tired. After an hour I found myself sleeping, I open my eyes and I’m not alone.

Ken is standing in front of me he looks like depressed.

“I’m sorry for what I did; the truth is I’m falling in love with you since we are in college”.

I’m listening to him my heart is beating faster. He start talking, “I hope you remember those roses from your locker, your portrait, the balloons at park, the paintings from the museum that was given to you by the curator, the teddy bear on the school ground, the photo album, the necklace when your debut came  and the most special gift,  you gave to me... is to be your best friend when we are in grade three”.

 I’m so shocked to hear those words I couldn’t believe that he is that boy, my best friend!  We never met when he migrated to America, I don’t know what happened to him and we don't have any communication.

Now he standing in front of me, saying those words, I wait for a long time who is my secret admirer when I was in college, now he is in front of me I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

 “Please Keisha Tan I’m begging you, don’t go just stay with me”.

 I am now crying. I hugged and cry to his shoulder I can’t help myself from falling in love with you since I met you I feel different that we are closed before, now I know.

I’m sorry, “sorry because I have no time to say these words I love you Keisha Tan”.

'" I love you too"".

 We are very happy no one can separate us. It is the best vacation I ever had.

We arrived home and we talked to our parents that the deal is over we are surprised because all of our relatives is there Ken and I wondered what is going on here? We said in chorus they caught our attention.

They announced that there are no deals that have been happened to our family they want us to be happy because they know that we are meant to be.

 I am happy it’s my engagement party and Ken contacts them to organize it, it’s his surprised to me.

I looked at him and he pinched my nose I really appreciate it “I love it! And he kiss me in front of our relatives. It was really great until it goes deeper, when we heard them clapping their hands and shouting us to stop... Hey both of you there are kids in here.! so stop giving us PDA! that's my Tito Lar , then I heard them laughing.

I am very happy now, tears of joy I never thought that he will surprised me like this. Thanks God. He holds my hand and we go in front of our relatives.

THE END.  Happiness is not the absence of problems it’s the ability to deal with them.

Sorry if there are typograp ERROR in my story I don't have so much time to edit on it. Thank you. :D 

Secret Revenge (one shot) wow! Sagada :DWhere stories live. Discover now