The Note

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Kieran, if you're reading this note, I am sorry. This is not your fault. I meant it when I said I love you. And even to the grave, I will love you. Yes, all of this started because we were caught together. But it was worth it. It was so worth it; for just a few sweet months I felt alive, and I felt love. Unfortunately, no amount of love or affection could take this pain away.

That night, after you left, my father beat me even more. Every hit came with a foul word. He smashed my phone into pieces, and said I could never see you again. And I knew after what had happened that night, and after what has been happening, I couldn't live like that. I couldn't. Not without you. 

Kieran, you have to promise me you'll stick around, that you will get through this and live on, have a life, a family. Happiness. You have to promise. That you'll never let go.

Kieran, I love you more than words can piece together. I love you more than anything. Kieran, you showed me what love truly was; not money, sex, cars, or popularity. But trust, vulnerability, and affection. You taught me how to love in such a short period of time, and I am so grateful for that.

I have never felt so much pain, and I can not wait any longer for this all to be over. I see no other option for me. 

To my parents, I love you both, even though I know you lost your love for me. I do not blame you for this either, so please do not blame yourselves.

I'm sorry.

Everest Daniels. 

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