☽ Sun and Moon

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It was a gold stone—glowing in the shadows.

Drake held it up so I could see it and then studied it again.

"It's actually pretty impressive," Drake was saying as we faced each other, "This single little stone had the ability to take away your powers."

Livid, my eyes never left the stone as he held it in his palm.

"And now that I have them, I'll be the most powerful person in the world."

"That wasn't that plan!" Cassie screeched from behind him and I whipped my head around. I didn't think she'd be here. "You said my sister wouldn't get hurt."

"Does she look hurt?" Drake smirked, "I kept my word."

"You fucking liar." She growled and ran at him, reaching for the stone. But with one wave of his arm, she was thrown across the room and crashed against the wall a few feet away.

No matter how much I wanted to hate Cassie, I could only remember the happy memories.

"Cassie!" I shouted in fear of her getting hurt. Her eyes instantly shut as she hit the floor.

"Now that that's over." Before I could react, Drake crushed the gold stone in his hand and absorbed all of the power.

The bright light that had been absorbed out of me had gone into Drake's body. He dropped the remains of the stone on the ground and it shattered into dust. I watched helplessly as he became even stronger than before.

Drake now had the soul of the Moon Goddess.

"Wow, that feels. . . great." He mused and I waited anxiously as he made his first move.

Suddenly, four people entered the room, sleep still on their faces. The first two who entered the room were Alpha Ares and Luna Alex, and behind them was Landon. . . and Archer.

"What's the emergency?" Ares asked.

"Leave while you still can—" I cried but Drake interrupted me, using the Alpha command to control them.

"Glad the four of you could join us. Please, sit." Drake gestured to the chairs in the middle of the room and everyone obeyed except Alex.

"What's the meaning of this?" Alex demanded, noticing Cassie knocked out in the corner.

"Oh, right, you're a human. Well, this can still work," Drake shrugged and looked at me, "One move and I'll tell them all to kill you."

I nodded silently.

"Good," Drake turned to Ares, "Alpha Ares, I want you to kill Luna Alexandria for me, please."

"What?" Alex and I shouted in shock.

"Alpha Ares, kill her." Drake used the command and Ares looked wide-eyed at his mate.

"No." He refused as he tried to fight the will of the command. His body shook as he tried to reject it but he finally stood up.

"Drake, what the hell are you doing?" Landon yelled while Archer added,

"How are you doing this?"

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