Chapter Two: Unexpected Encounter

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Charles parked his car in the company's parking lot, gathered his laptop bag and some papers then exited the car. He immediately noticed the change in temperature due to the cold wind that blew on his face unlike the warmness in his car. He secured his car then began walking to the building front. People greeted him and he greeted them back or just waved to them and sometimes nod in acknowledgement. He used the stairs to go to his office floor instead of the elevator which he hated.

"Good morning sir."

Charles was about to open his office door when his boss's personal assistant greeted him.

"Good morning Britt." He replied to her and opened the door. Britt followed him inside so he turned to her after depositing his things on his desk. "What's up?"

"Mr Kim wanted to ask you to attend his meetings from 10:00am to 12:30pm. He will be occupied with other things at that time."

"Of course he will." Charles mumbled with a shake of his head.

Working for a young boss had its merits and demerits. Mr Kim or Sanjay, since Charles used his first name, was a young man at 22years of age. He was a good man and that's why Charles worked for him but there were times when his playfulness would be too much to handle. He liked ditching his meetings and dumping them on Charles whether with good reasons or lame excuses.

"You can drop the meeting details on my desk. I'll look into them later." Charles told Britt who exited the room right after placing a document on the desk.

Charles had his own meeting to attend, so he switched on his laptop. He had been doing this through the past five years he has been away from home. He still managed his mother's company which was now his to own. He trusted his employees and he knew he didn't have to be there for the company to be doing well. He only did check ins now and then to get reports on how things were going.

The meeting didn't take long and he switched off his laptop. He checked his time and realized he still had an hour and half before he got to attend Sanjay's meetings. He opened his current work on the company's laptop and began reading. Sanjay's company was a publishing house and Charles worked as an editor. He was currently working an a novel which had supernatural beings. He suddenly closed the book with a sigh and leaned back in his chair, eyes snapped shut.

In the book, the author was talking about a werewolf character who had a second mate after losing their first mate. He hated what he read there since the description of second mate was entirely different from what happens in real life. Werewolves real lives. He didn't blame the author for writing what was on his mind and he secretly wish things were that easy, like how the author described.

A second mate was in no way a simple bond because it only had 20% possibility for it to become a true bond. It was very different from a bond which you have with your first mate, which was 99% possibility of things working out unlike a second mate bond that required a lot to work. It was impossible to reject your true mate because the bond between the two was already strong and rejecting it would do some damage to a werewolf; but you could reject a bond with your second mate because the bond was weak.

That is why Charles had survived to stay away from his second mate for five years and more years to come, according to Charles, because he didn't want to ever meet his mate ever again. He had gave up on the weak bond and decided to leave home, to start anew somewhere else though it was proving to be difficult, Charles believed it would work since he wouldn't be seeing him. Charles had started sleeping around and drinking himself senseless during the first to third years of being away from home. It took him a lot to get over that and be the man that he was today. His life no longer included one night stands or any alcoholic drink. He spent his time editing people's books and writing his own books which no one, not even Zach, knew about. He was comfortable of what he had at the moment and was only thankful when he had to sleep at night, awaiting the new day tomorrow.

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