Chapter Eight: Uncalculated Struggle

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"Here is your lunch. Don't break the container this time." Ron lightly scolded Maria as she was getting ready to go to school.

"Yes, Uncle Ron."

"Be a good girl. Come on."

Ron carried Maria's bag and held her hand as he escorted her out the house to Charles's car. Since when Maria began living with them, Ron had restarted her to the school that she had been going when her parents were alive. He didn't want her to miss out more than what she had missed when she was in the hospital. Charles dropped her off since the school was on his way to work. Ron helped her into the car and secured her seatbelt before closing the door.

"Charles!" Ron shouted for his mate to hurry up.

"I'm coming." Charles shouted back and soon enough he was making his way out the house.

Charles stopped before Ron and Ron scanned him for a minute before nodding. His mate looked nice and smart,so it was okay for him to leave the house for work. He had packed everything Charles might need already, so there was nothing holding them back.

"You, have a nice day. Be back home straight from work, I have some news." Ron whispered while embracing his mate.

"Thanks, and you have a good day too and don't be late to pick up Ria today." Charles teased his mate and kissed him, shutting his complaints up.

"It was just one day and it was because of traffic." Ron breathed heavily after Charles released his mouth.

"Whatever, shorty."

Ron watched as Charles drove away and he waved them goodbye until they were out of sight. He sighed and made his way back inside the house. He had a lot to do and hopefully he would​ be done before it was time to pick up Maria.

Charles waved​ at Ria as she made her way inside the school gates. He waited until he didn't see her anymore before driving off to work.

Things have been going well since they began living with Ria. She's been a great addition and Charles loved​ her presence even though she was very shy with him but carefree with Ron. The two had became good friends and Charles loved​ seeing them together.

Everyone back home was aware of their mating and they've been asking about when they would​ be going​ back home. Ron was still a beta and was needed back home, to his pack. Charles would be living with him there, to make it possible that Ron see to his duties without a hiccup. So it's​ expected that they would be going home and since they couldn't take Ria, she would have to stay.

Charles had been looking in with the orphanage to hear any updates but there still was no space for Ria. Later on, Charles decided to took it upon himself and renovate the orphanage that had a space for Ria but poor environment. He had asked Sanjay to join him and Sanjay agreed to even be a sponsor for the orphanage.

So while Charles was preparing to leave the city with his mate, he was also preparing a better home for Ria to stay in when they are gone. Ron wasn't aware of the renovation project and Charles planned to tell him later that night.

Charles arrived at work and sorted out his schedule, making sure nothing was available to hinder his leave after knocking off time. He remembered Ron needed him home after work and he wanted to make it in time. He didn't like what his work for the day consisted of because he hated talking to authors and telling them their books suck and would not be published. He knew every author possibly put in their best when writing a book and telling them off was bad but then again, this was business and he had no choice but choose the best of the best.

Ron picked up his bag and walked to the door with keys in hand. He was a bit earlier than usual to the time that he went to pick up Maria. He didn't want to be late again.

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