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Flashes. Flashes of light, the gurgling of lava, the deafening sound of two lightsabers clashing together.

Two blue lightsabers come down against each other, making a bright white light. The bright light fills the vision. Now, a medical room is in view.

"Anakin, please!" A voice screams.

Then, you are in the room. Blinding light surrounds an angelic figure. She is in pain. Next to her, stands a silhouette. The dark shadow holds on to her. Another flash of light.

Then, an explosion. Anakin Skywalker is sent back into a wall, into unconsciousness. The explosion sends you into a new view.

Two people, holding children in their arms. They cradle the babies. The mother bends her neck, softly kissing the child. "Luke," she whispers.

Blackness. Just plain black.

Blaring voices bombard you all at once.

"Anakin, I'm pregnant..."

"I hate you!"

"You... You killed Von?"

"If it's a boy..."

"Get out of my life!"

"I don't even know who you are anymore!"

"...I will name him Luke."

"Kill him!"

"Choose your destiny."

"I can save the one you love!"

"Master Yoda, he's dying."

"If it's a girl..."

"Let him go."

"I loved you!"

"...I will name her Leia."

"Don't leave me!"

Then, in whisper, you hear

"I love you."

A breath of air follows.

I gasp for air. My body shoots up. Tears stain my face. Turning my head, Anakin isn't next to me. Suddenly, I begin to panic. I jump out of bed, and rush to the balcony.

Anakin stands, looking over the dark skyline. "You were screaming."

"Anakin." I barely got the words out. My throat was so raw. It felt as if someone gashed at it with a knife, then set it on fire. But I couldn't feel the pain. Not with all the memories swirling around me. I was scared. Was this my future? It looked so terrible. Unbearable. It was no life I would want to live. Who was dying? Will I become pregnant? Does Von actually die? Luke and Leia? Who were those two people? Why are two Jedi fighting? Is it Anakin and me?

"What did you dream this time?" He asks dryly. What was his problem?

"Too much," I admit.

Anakin kept his body facing the terrace. "Tell me about it."

"Well," I start, "there were two Jedi fighting each other. But actually in a duel, not just practice. Then..." my throat suddenly fills up. It's like I can't talk. "Then, there was a girl in a medical room. Screaming for you." He finally turns towards me. "But it ended with a happy sight. A man and a woman, holding two children. It was beautiful." I gulp, not wanting to talk about the voices I heard.

"There's more," he observes.

I shake my head. "No, that was it."

He licks his lips and crosses his arms, "don't lie to me, (Y/N)... Please don't lie to me."

Letting a sigh out, I explain, "there were these voices. All of them were saying something at once. Some I can remember, some not really." That was all I was going to say. No more.

"What did you remember?" Anakin questions.

I pause for a moment. Fear and anticipation all swarm throughout me. Fear for what Anakin would think of these voices, and anticipation for how he would act. "Well, I don't know who said this but... They asked if someone killed Von. No, they didn't ask, they said it as if they didn't believe the words, but knew it was true." Anakin frowns. "Then something about Leia and... Er... Luke. Those two names came up. Do you know a Luke or Leia?" He shakes his head in response. "Oh... Then, there was someone telling Master Yoda that he was dying. I'm not sure who this he was. And..."

After seconds of not finishing, Anakin raises an eyebrow, "and what?"

"Anakin, it's not important," I suggest. "We should just go back to bed."

He wears a scowl, "no, (Y/N). I do not want this marriage to be full of secrets. Tell me."

My face softens, slightly taken back by his tone. I nod my head slowly. "And... I become pregnant."

Anakin's scowl disappears. His face is emotionless. I cannot tell wether he is having a hard time taking this in, or if he didn't hear me. "Anakin?" I bring his attention back.

"I don't know what to say to that," he replies, still with no emotion.

He does not want my children?

"No," Anakin's eyes widen. "No, that is not even close to the truth. (Y/N), I want kids with you, but–"

"Anakin, I understand," I reply to his mind reading. "I am just going to go back to sleep."

I turn around, then a hand stops me. "No, (Y/N)," Anakin whispers.

"Anakin, please," I say harshly, walking away. I hear Anakin's hand hit the side of his trousers when he let his hand fall down.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now