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I wake up, the room dark. As I turn to look at Anakin, I am relieved that he is sleeping calmly. Everything is in order. All is well. Soon, this war will end and I will leave the order--hopefully, Anakin doing the same. Soon, peace will come to the Republic, and Anakin and I can have an amazing life with our child, maybe even more with time to come.



"General Grievous has been defeated," Windu beamed, seeming relieved that the droid had been terminated.

Immediately I spoke up, "what does that leave the war at then?"

"Over, it is not," Yoda chimed, "defeat final Separatist leaders, we must."

Then Mace does something I thought he would never do. He sets a comforting hand on my shoulder, "we all want this war to be over. Trust me. And it almost is. We just took one giant step to winning." But I regret his actions because he glances down at my stomach and his eyes widen. Looking back up at me, his eyes narrow. All of the color on my face must have drained because he somehow confirmed his claim: I am pregnant. Spitefully, he shakes his head and turns away to face Anakin. "I am sending you to inform the chancellor. We want to see his reaction upon Grievous's death."

Anakin glanced at me, sensing my worry, then looks back at Mace and nods. "Yes, Master Windu. I'll be off." And once he leaves, I take off. Thankfully neither Mace nor Yoda calls out for me because if they wanted to talk, I am sure it would not be a good reason. 


"(Y/L/N)," Windu greets, and I bow, not sure of how to respond to him. He had called me in to talk, and I know what is coming. "Anakin had some . . . shocking news for me. Palpatine is the sith lord we have been looking for." Shaking his head, he paced around the planning room, "I need you to stay with Skywalker in the Jedi Chambers and watch him while other council members and I go to arrest him."

I was not shocked. If anything, I felt bad, mainly for Anakin. The chancellor and he had been so close, this must have shaken his trust in the old man. He must feel so betrayed inside. "I will go with you. My job is not to keep Skywalker secure, but to protect the Republic."

"I cannot risk your life nor your twins," Mace concluded grimly.

That was where I was shocked. "Twins?"

The master sighed, "I know you are pregnant. I decided not to bring it up earlier because it was not the appropriate time."

"I know that you know I am pregnant, Master Windu," I nodded, "but . . . I'm carrying twins?"

"Unless my senses are being clouded, but I sense two force signatures other than your own within you."

I smile, then I quickly lose it. Now is not the time. "As much as I care for the unborn child--children in my stomach, I need to go with you. I know Palpatine as well as Anakin. I am to a great advantage."

"I don't like this idea, (Y/L/N)," Mace scolded, "but you are right." I nodded, and we began to walk to get the other members, but before we got there, Mace added, "and as for you and Skywalker, you two are important Jedi. Possibly we can make an exception to keep you in."

Without asking how he knew it was Anakin because after finding out I am pregnant it is not that hard to guess Anakin was a part of the making, I nodded glumly, feeling a wave of disappointment crash over me.


I don't even know how to explain: we went into the Chancellor's room, and as we accused him, he struck. It happened so fast, I wasn't even aware of the warm puddle of blood beneath my feet. My hand clutched at my side where an excruciating pain hit, causing me to scream at the top of my lungs. Laughter from Palpatine echoed throughout the room as lightsabers clashed, and cries were ended short. I thought that was it until Anakin came in. At the sight of me, he shook his head, "NO! (Y/N)!" He slid next to me, holding my face in his hands.

He shakes his head, "this is my fault. I will save you, I promise."

I swallow hard, squeezing my eyes. Pointing over to where Windu has his saber pointed at Palpatine, I speak out in a harsh voice, "kill him. Kill Palpatine."

"No," Anakin furrows his eyebrows. "I need him. That is the only way I can save you. Our child."

Instead of correcting him and telling him that we are going to have twins, I cup his cheek with my hand, "save the Republic, Anakin." As he is about to contradict my suggestion, I speak again, "he is using you. He did this to me. Do not fall into his trap."

Anakin's eyes rage with fury, and he stands up, blood on his trousers. Unsheathing his lightsaber, the blue glow and soft hum send ripples of silence throughout the room. Dead bodies of Jedi Councilmen lay scattered, and Anakin marches over to Palpatine and Windu.

Palpatine, face scarred hideously, reaches out for Anakin, "save me, Anakin. And I can save (Y/N)."

"You hurt her!" Anakin screeched.

Mace watched intensively. The Chancellor shook his head, "because she tried to kill me, son. She and the Jedi came here to kill me. I'm afraid they're betraying you."

"No," Anakin murmured, looking back at me, "I don't believe it."

I shook my head no, preparing an argument in my head, as Mace bellows, "do not believe him, Anakin! He is a sith lord. He is only interested in your powers, not your well being!"

Anakin creases his forehead. As Windu shakes his head and brings up his lightsaber to fight, Anakin yells and slices off his arm. The rest is a blur: the Chancellor attacks Windu, and he goes flying out the window. Anakin turns around and looks at me with weary eyes. He tells me to hold on for a bit longer. To hold onto to the last bit of life I have. But with the blood pooling around me, and beginning to feel lightheaded, I give him a small smile and close my eyes, the shouts of Anakin being faded into a blur. And that's how it all ended. Anakin Skywalker would no longer be Anakin Skywalker, but Darth Vader, the twins would be saved from my unresponsive body by C-section, and the Republic would fall. Oh, how I am glad I am not alive to live through that.


As my vision comes back, I hear the faint beeps of monitors around me and feel a tight grip around my hand. I look up, seeing Anakin with a guilty look on his face. His eyes, droopy and full of secrets, his mouth in a frown, and his jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he murmers.

I struggle to speak, "for what?"

Casting his gaze away from my eyes, he whispers, "you do not want to know."


of chapter 40

(lol I am too cruel)

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