True Love(part 3)

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Ciel just stood there in shock, but then his face went from shock to anger. Sebastian looked at Claude then back at Ciel. Sebastian pushed Claude off and started walking to his young master. "My lord, I'm-" before he can finish what he was about to say, Ciel slapped him as hard as he can. Claude took a stepped forward but didn't want to get in the way. Sebastian didn't have any emotion in his face, for he knew he deserves this. "Shut up Sebastian! You disappoint me at this, let's go home, I have something to do for you" Ciel said with fire in his eyes." Yes, my lord" he said while bowing down. Claude looked at Ciel, then back to Sebastian. Claude took another step forward. "Don't you dare take another step closer to my demon!" Ciel said while turning to Claude. Claude looked at Ciel, and was shocked and scared at what he saw. he saw no emotion in Ciel's eyes. Claude knew that it won't be a good idea to go up to him, so he just bowed and started to walk off. "Just wait right there," a voice said in the shadows. they all looked and saw Alois smirking while coming out of the shadows. "Claude, Claude, Claude..... I'm shocked that you're just standing this is what ill do..ill make this a little more interesting.." he said with a devil smirk. Ciel was catching on and smirked. "Sebastian!" Ciel yelled out with an evil plan up his sleeve. "yes my lord?.." Sebastian said while unsure whats going on. " I order you to fight Claude to the death!" Ciel said while laughing at the same time. Sebastian had nothing to do but to do what was told. he turned to Claude and had sad eyes. "hey, hey, hey it's not fair that it's only your demon was fighting, my demon will too! Claude! Fight your lover to the death!" Alois said with devil eyes. both demons looked at each other and took out there knifes. Claude smirked and looked at Sebastian. Sebastian was not sure what he was up to but didn't trust him. Claude turned as fast as sound and threw the knives at Ciel and at his own master. Sebastian was shocked but didn't have time to show it, so he ran as fast as he can to Ciel and taught all the knives but one that hit Ciel on the arm. "Ah!" Ciel said while holding the wound. Sebastian saw all the knives that were thrown to Alois hit him."AH!" Alois yelled in pain. he fell on the floor and was losing a lot of blood. Sebastian looked at Claude and saw that Claude was doing nothing to help him nor save him. Alois fell on the floor and yelled help for Claude, but once again, Claude took out a knife and started walking up to his young master. "No! Don't!" Ciel yelled with anger in his voice. Claude stopped and looked at Ciel. "Sebastian.... kill him..AND THAT'S AN ORDER!" Ciel said with rage in his eyes. Before Sebastian could say any words, Claude ran to him with demon speed and grabbed him by the hips. "I'm sorry Ciel, but I and your demon have somewhere to go," Claude said with a smirk. Sebastian blushed as he felt Claude hands on his hips. Claude grabbed him tight and ran with him at the speed of a demon. In a blink of an eye, they were gone.

-At an abounded house-

Claude lets go of the demon when they made it to the house. "What are you doing Claude?!" Sebastian said while stepping away from Claude.Claude looked around and saw a bed,"perfect..." he said. Sebastian looked at the bed then at Claude. before Sebastian could even run, Claude grabbed him and pushed him to the bed."Ah!" Sebastian said while landing on the bed. Claude smirked and slowly took off his shirt. Sebastian blushed and looked straight into his eyes. Claude blushed a little when he saw both of there eyes meet. Claude looked away while his face was bright red. Sebastian saw that and smiled a little.Claude looked back at Sebastian and smirked. "So....why don't we start where we left off". Sebastian looked confused at first and remembered the kitchen thing. Claude walked up to him and got on top of him. "Ready?" Claude said with a smirk on his face.

True love (Sebastian X Claude) (hard Yaoi )Where stories live. Discover now