True Love(part 4)

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Claude slides his hand under Sebastian's shirt. Sebastian blushed really hard and tried to take his hand off, but it was no use.Claude was too strong for him once again. Claude took his tongue out and started to lick Sebastian's stomach. Sebastian tried to hold back his moan. Claude smirked and slowly unzipped and unbuttoned Sebastian's pants. Sebastian Saw that and was about to try to make him stop, but he knew it was no use. Claude took off Sebastian's pants. Sebastian was laying in the bed with just his boxers.
Claude was about to touch Sebastian once again, but surprisingly Sebastian smacked his hand away while blushing really hard. Claude looked shocked. "I..I....need water before we star..t.," Sebastian said while looking as cute as ever. Claude saw how cute he looked so he was fine with it " stay here my cute raven..I'll get the water for you." Claude said while walking away. "T..thank you.." Sebastian said while grabbing the covers. Claude smirked when he was in the kitchen. "Well to make this a little more....playful...I have a plan..." Claude said while grabbing a glass of water. He grabbed a pill and smirked.(u all know what the pill is). So when he walked back to Sebastian, Sebastian had his pants back on and didn't look at Claude straight in the eye." here" Claude said while handing the water. Sebastian grabbed it and drank it without thinking. Claude smirked and watched him swallow the water." here..I'll let you sleep, alright" Claude said while walking to the bed to lay down. Sebastian looked shocked but didn't want to think about it too much, so just went with it and went to bed as well.
~hours later~
Sebastian wakes up to find himself horny. "W..what the hell?!" Sebastian said while covering his cock so it won't show. He looked at Claude fully asleep and was glad he was asleep. Sebastian unzipped his pants and grabbed his member. He once again looked at Claude and started to master bade himself."A..ah.." Sebastian said softly and tried to be as quiet as possible. Right before Sebastian could continue, Claude woke up and grabbed Sebastian's hand." what the-" Sebastian said as he turned. He saw Claude looking at him and smirked. Sebastian blushed really hard and tried to cover himself. "Awe..why are you trying to hide. I mean I'm the reason why you're so horny." Claude said while grabbing get the sheets. Sebastian looked at him in shocked, then turned to anger." WAIT WHA-" Sebastian got interrupted by Claude grabbing his hard cock. "Ah!" Sebastian said while trying to push Claude away. Claude licked his lips. He pulled Sebastian on top of him."w..what are u doing?!....."Sebastian eyes closed and his face fully red. Sebastian was shocked by what he felt. He felt Claude as hard as him and started to blush even more. Claude smirked and made Sebastian look at him." open your mouth.." Claude said while holding his face close to him. "WAIT what-" Sebastian didn't fight back when Claude kissed him, Sebastian let Claude's tongue explore his mouth. Claude stopped to let Sebastian take a breath"You know i love you right?" Claude said while kissing Sebastian's neck. Sebastian kept blushing and looking away. Claude went down and his lips going to his cock."W..a..wait what are you going to do?" Sebastian said as he was covering his eyes.Claude touches his cock and started to suck it. A-Ahh...." Sebastian moaned while trying to hold Claude's head away. Claude smirked and pinned Sebastian to the bed. Claude stopped sucking and looked up at Sebastian. He saw sebbys cute face when he gets in heat. Claude got hornier his face and blushed a little. He slowly unzipped his pants. Sebastian heard the noise and start to shake off Claude

True love (Sebastian X Claude) (hard Yaoi )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora