Chapter 41

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Author's Note

Hope you all had a happy holiday! 


Nate's POV

When all of the celebrating was done, a few pack members went back into the demolished building that used to be our pack house. We tried to look for stuff that wasn't completely destroyed so that we could fashion a little camp for everyone to sleep in. I broke everyone up into groups of five so that we could search throughout the whole building.

"Hey, what about this?" I looked up to see Matt, the most muscular member of the pack, point to a couch that was covered in dust.

"Maybe clean it up," I gestured towards all of the dust. Matt nodded back at me and used his hands to slap the dust off. All of it spread into the air and he started sneezing. I sighed, Matt was definitely more brawn then brain.

I wandered out of the room that Matt and I had been in and started opening random doors to see if there was anything that stood out. I finally realized something when I was about to open another bedroom door. There were camping supplies down in the basement! The pack had survival tents and other supplies stored down there just in case something happened.

Matt! Kurt! I mind linked them.

Yea? Matt answered.

There are supplies in the basement.

Oh yea! I forgot about those.

I could hear Matt's loud footsteps in a room close to the one I was in, and we both hurried down to the basements to go get the tents.

Sera and I will definitely be sharing one.


Sera's POV

The sky was getting dark, but everyone was still standing around the field and chatting. I was just starting to get worried about where Nate was when he and the group of guys he had went back into the pack house with came back. All of them were holding at least five huge bags that looked like there were full of something. Everyone stopped talking when Nate put his hands and pointed to Kurt.

"Camping supplies for all of you!" Kurt yelled. "A bag has enough stuff for five people!"

Everyone started lining up to get a bag, and I was heading towards the line when someone lifted me up from behind and spun me around. I knew it was Nate because I felt sparks around my waist, which was where he was touching me. They weren't really sparks, but every time he even brushed against me, it just made me so happy, and the only words that I could think of to describe it were sparkly, spark-filled, sparky-sparky.

"Did you miss me?" he whispered against my ear. His arms were wrapped around me, and he was bending his knees so that he wasn't towering over me. His embrace was warming me from head to toe, and I didn't even care that he was covered in dust and god knows what.

"Of course," I turned my head so I could look into his eyes. "I always miss you." Nate smiled and leaned close so he could touch his lips to mine. He had that soft look on his face that I loved, and I angled my head so that our noses weren't squishing against each other.

"Ewwww gross," I quickly pulled away from Nate and turned my head to see Kurt and Harper. Harper was on Kurt's shoulders, and she was pulling on his hair, but it didn't look like he minded. I rolled my eyes when I saw the fake disgusted look on Kurt's face.

"Don't be jealous," I reached up to grab Harper off of his shoulders and spun her around.

"You wish I was jealous, I have my own sugar cookie," Kurt rubbed the top of his head. 

"Mmhmm." I held Harper up and smiled up at her. Her shoes were all muddy and gross, but she was still kicking her legs up and down in excitement.

"Daddy says I have to go to sleep, but I don't wanna!" she glared back at her dad and then turned back to me. "You know that I don't have to go to sleep unless I'm tired, right?"

"Well-" I stopped and thought of something that would get back at Kurt for what he had forced me to wear. "Actually, I agree with you." I looked over Harper's shoulder at Kurt. He was frowning and frantically shaking his head no. 

"See, daddy!" Harper started kicking her legs again.

"You should stay awake as long as possible, and keep your daddy awake too, he loves it."

"Okay," she jumped out of my arms and started running away. "Catch me daddy!"

"I'll get you back for this," Kurt glared at me, then started running in the direction that Harper was running in.

"My little minx," Nate chuckled as he pulled me back against his chest again. "Let's go find a tent to snuggle in."

"Snuggle?" I raised my eyebrows. "That's a word?"

"Yup," he lifted me up and started walking forward. It was kind of an awkward position, but Nate somehow made it work. "Wanna bet?"

"Sure," I pulled out of his embrace and turned around to look at him. "If it's a word, I will wear anything you want me to wear for a whole day. If it's not a word, you will wear anything I want you to wear for a whole day."

"Deal," he linked pinkies with me then brought our hands up so he could kiss the top of mine. 

"Now, let's go get a tent." I pulled his hand so that we could head over to where all the tents were being set up.

"Anything for you, baby."


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