Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

“Come in come in” said a raspy voice from deeper within the cave.

“ariel. Im scared” said flounder

“oh flounder, don’t be such a guppy.” ariel teased

“im not a guppy” he said sticking out his chest

They both swam further into the cave where it grew darker. They swam for what seemed to be an hour but was really only moment. Eventually they came into a clearing within the cave. It expanded into a large cavernous space. In the center of the amphitheater was a large black cauldron. Beside that was a tall rounded octopus woman. Her flesh a purple hue and her the color so white like as if its life was sucked out of it stood at odd angles.

“come closer dears” the woman spoke through thick red lips

Ariel and flounder approached with caution. The sea witch watched them with a malicious smile on her face. Her black tentacles dancing in the water seemed to have a mind of their own.

“ahhh. Daughter of Triton. Let me get a good look at you” she said grabbing ariels face with a beefy hand.

“beautiful” she turned to a mirror and saw her own reflection. She frowned.

“what do you want? Love potion. Riches spell? Perhaps something to change the color of that hair.” she said disdainfully. “i can do anything”

“well you see miss...” ariel paused unsure of what to call her.

“sea witch” flounder blurted with a glare at the sea witch.

The sea witch gave him a dirty look “please dear, call me Ursula.”

“very well, miss Ursula” Ariel said with a small tremor in her voice “i would like for you to give me legs so I can go above the oceans.”

“Legs?!” Ursula screeched “thats a big favor you ask for dear.”

Ariel looked sadden. Of course it was a big favor to ask. It was a huge thing to ask. She wasn’t even sure if it was possible.

“its possible!” the witch said as if she had read ariels mind. “Pricey! But possible.”

“oh I can pay anything” ariel said eagerly “anything. Just name it!”

“very well dear.” Ursula smiled wickedly “what I want. Is your voice.”

Ariel gasped at the same time that flounder swam around frantically.

“Ariel nooo!” he pleaded.

Ariel ignored him. “my voice?” she asked “but why?”

“Well! I told you dear it would be a pricy cost. Now if you don’t want to pay the price leave, I have other customers to help.” she turned away nonchalant.

“no wait” ariel called after her.

The Sea witch Smiled evilly and turned to face her new victim.

“very well. I will give you my voice” her words breaking.

The evil sea witch made a concoction of unrecognizable ingredients. The threw them all into the black cauldron. Together they created a terrible smell and gave off a neon green glow. After a moment the sea witch began to chant in a song. She threw in a little more of this and a little more of that. She added a handful here and a handful there. Finally the spell was ready. She whipped up a piece of paper from thin air and handed it to ariel.

“your voice is mine.” Ursula read “in return I will give you legs and lungs. You have one week to find true love ariel daughter of triton. If you do not find true love within one week your voice and you are mine forever.” she finished with a smug smile of her blood red lips.

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