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Scrolling absently through social media, Noelle groaned from beside me, "Can we please stop and get food?"

I looked over at her, "Hells yeah we can," I said with a grin.

"Breakfast burritos?"

I nodded excitedly before hesitating and letting my head fall back onto the seat, "Does that mean I should put on a bra?"

She curled her lips and nodded slowly.

She stopped at the red light as I unclipped my seat belt and maneuvered my way into the back of the van. I quickly opened my bag and pulled out a bra. I clipped it on before I tossed my extra bag back in its previous spot.

The car bounced up, making me to fall over, "Noelle!" I yelled at her.

She laughed, "Sorry I had to get over that bump some how,"

I shook my head, "If a cop fucking pulls us over Noelle he's gonna see that you don't have a damn license you idiot,"

She smirked as I got back into my seat, "Shouldn't have let me drive then," she pulled into a spot and put the car in park, shutting off the car.

We both got out of the car, locking it behind us, before we started walking up to the breakfast place.

Luckily, the line didn't seem that long.

After we waited in the line for a short amount of time, we ordered our breakfast burritos, waiting for a bit before we received them and went back out to the car.

We decided on sitting in the open space of the van to eat.

Noelle wiped her mouth with her napkin, "Alright, so I think we need to start getting stuff done on this list now," she said.

"Already? We just left this morning and we're having breakfast for lunch. If that doesn't explain our progress so far then I don't know what does,"

We had only driven to the town over, at least getting to a place where there were restaurants and stores.

I pulled the list out from my bag, eyes only scanning over it quickly before I spoke up again, "We can do number 32 today. It's a simpler one that we can get this list started off with," I suggested.

Noelle groaned, "I already have to let go of social media?"

I nodded, putting down the list, still having my burrito in hand, before I slipped my phone out from my pocket and quickly signed out of all of my social media, being glad I had written down those passwords and names.

Noelle sighed before she put her burrito down on its wrapper, wiping off her hands and going on her phone. I assumed she was signing out of everything.

She frowned, "I have to go a day without seeing Michael Clifford's tweets, Grace." She said glumly.

"And I have to go a day without Dan Howell's tweets," I replied.

She smiled as my response.




"This is such a lame start to this list, oh my god," Noelle said from the passenger seat.

I laughed, continuing to pump gas into the car, "Don't worry, two of our concerts are coming up in the next couple of days. We'll be having some fun soon,"

All of the sudden, her head poked out from the car, "We are fucking seeing Halsey and five sauce in the same week, I'm fucking ecstatic!" She said giddily, her voice coming out loud to go along with the wide smile on her face.

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