Chapter Eight

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Ever Get the Feeling That You're Never All Alone?

Monday mornings always sucked. Nobody in their right mind could possibly be happy with the notion of waking up at fucking six am after a long-ass weekend of homework and party planning. Who am I kidding? I didn’t do my homework.


I forced myself out of bed knowing that ‘five more minutes’ could easily turn into twenty, or the whole rest of the day if I wasn’t careful. The cold from the hardwood floor sent chills through my body and I had to resist the now almost overpowering urge to just jump right back into bed. I took my still warm blanket with me, wrapping it tight around my body in an effort to conserve what little heat I had left.


I quickly padded my way to my bathroom, eager to take a hot shower. I turned on the water and twisted the knob to the left until I saw steam billowing from the stream of hot water. I quickly stripped and hopped in the shower, letting the burning water warm my frozen fingers and toes.


As nice as it was and as much as I felt like I could have spent all day in that shower, I didn’t have all day. Reluctantly cutting off the wonderfully hot water after only five, too-short minutes was difficult, but I managed to muddle through it. I was instantly hit with the frigid air once more, urging me to get dressed that much quicker.


Too lazy and unwilling to properly tame my hair, I dried the majority of it before twisting it into one long braid going down my back. I tossed on an ugly but warm sweater and some jeans along with my trusty, worn out converse sneakers. Checking my room over once more for the things I’d need for school, I threw on my jacket and grabbed my backpack before going downstairs to wait for Frank.


Just as I cleared the last step, I heard a car horn outside, signaling that Frank was there. I took my keys off the rack and was about to exit the front door when I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned to see Josh, ready to ask me something.


“Hey, want a ride in?” he asked. I declined seeing as Frank was already outside waiting for me. I thanked him anyway and turned to leave but he didn’t let go of my arm, forcing me to turn back to him.


“Why don’t you like me?” That question hit me like a ton of bricks. How could he think I didn’t like him, my own twin brother? “What? Josh, why would you say something like that?” I was fully aware that Frank was still outside waiting but this was important, so he’d have to be patient.


“I’m your brother, your twin, yet we talk like we’re total strangers. Why?” I didn’t know what to say, I just looked at him with a pained expression painted on his face. I didn’t like making him feel bad, but it’s not like I tried to. “I don’t know,” I began. “I guess we’re just too . . . different.”


It wasn’t a lie; Josh and I were polar opposites, that’s how it’d always been. We’d tried to get closer in the past but there was just no common ground. He’d always pushed for a better relationship but for some reason I just wasn’t willing enough to try. It was just too late now.


Next year we’d graduate and he’d be off in Ohio on his full football scholarship while I would be god knows where doing god knows what. It was sad to think of not seeing him as often but it’s not like we talked much now.

Forever is a Long Time . . . (A Frank Iero and My Chemical Romance Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now