Chapter Eleven

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The Boys and Girl in the Clique

Gerard and I didn't end up finding anything else that Frank might like for his birthday. The guitar was the absolute perfect gift for Frank and I knew he would just love it. I was still determined to get him that guitar and keep it a secret from him and the rest of the guys; something I already knew I was pretty good at. Gerard didn't count.

Since telling Gerard the biggest and most monumental secret my soul had ever carried, he'd been really good about keeping it that way. He hadn't said anything to the guys, not even hinting to them what I'd confided in him. Mikey didn't even know anything, which was big considering the fact that Gerard told him nearly everything.

Though Gerard had proved himself trustworthy, there was one incident when I thought I'd have to kill him.

He and I were over Frank's house one day after school. I walked out of the room for two seconds and as I was coming back down the hall, I heard Gerard and Frank talking.

"Seriously? What a loser." I panicked as I heard Frank say this, my mind immediately racing to the conclusion that Gerard had told him. I never thought that if Frank knew that I loved him, he'd ever take it that hard.

Thankfully, Gerard cleared up my suspicions and saved himself a beating when he answered Frank. "Yeah, he's such a baby. I don't see why Mikey doesn't want to be Robin if I'm gonna be Batman; I thought it was a cool idea." I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding. I was relieved to know that Gerard hadn't failed me after all and even more relieved to know that Frank was still as oblivious as ever.

I walked back into the room having finished my eavesdropping on the guys, my suspicions on Gerard's trustworthiness relieved. "Mikey giving you problems, Gerard?" I said sarcastically as I waltzed into the room, confident that my secret was still just that; a secret.

"Yeah, the little ass-hole doesn't want to be Robin. I thought it was cool; me as Batman and him as Robin, I mean come on, that's genius!" Gerard complained about Mikey sometimes, though there was still no doubt in anyone's mind that he didn't love his brother to death. They were best friends and did have a lot in common, but I couldn't blame Mikey for wanting to be his own person every once in a while. Despite the age gap between them, he and Gerard did practically everything in tandem, so it was understandable for him to want to take a little break.

"I'll get him to agree though; this costume idea is too cool not to do." I smiled at Gerard's full-of-himself attitude. That boy had total control over his brother, the poor sap, but they loved each other nonetheless and I had no doubt that Gerard would somehow get Mikey to agree with him.

"Whatever you say, Gerard. Well guys, it's been real, but I've got to go." I said as I picked up my bag from Frank's bed. "Where?" Frank asked, standing himself up so that he was at my eye level.

"None of your business, that's where."

"Sassy," Frank said as Gerard also got up to say goodbye. I rolled my eyes at his remark before they each gave me a hug. Gerard's was quick and friendly but Frank's was warm and entrancing. I didn't want to let go, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him in for not so much as a moment before he pulled away. I felt the coldness of where Frank just held me and I was reminded once again why no one should ever fall in love with their best friend.

I said goodbye to the guys and told them that I'd see them later before heading out. I had a very important mission, one that none of the guys did or could know about.

Though Gerard had been with me when I first saw it, he didn't know that I was actually going to buy Frank that guitar. I walked into the music store and, much to my contentment, the white guitar was still in the window. It was much nicer than Frank's old guitar; even if it was twenty years old, it would still be nicer than Frank's old guitar. His was old and shoddy; he could barely get out a few chords without having to retune it, and despite the fact that he loved it so much, he really needed a new one.

Forever is a Long Time . . . (A Frank Iero and My Chemical Romance Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now