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(The picture above is Ethan. I don't know the exact character nor do I own it. Just found it while surfing the internet. Wanted to give you guys an idea on how he looks like.)

"Ethan. Your school called."

My heart dropped into my stomach. Was it about the biology period? Crap...

"Y-yes mom...?" I nervously replied, my gaze on her high heels clad feet.

"Your behaviour is dropping drastically, boy."

I gulped, "I, uh... Well..."

"Especially after your affiliation with that Zylen boy. I would really appreciate it if you stop all your friend act, seeing how he's not beneficial to you or us in any way."

"Mom... I-I can explain...!"

"Explain what, boy? There's nothing to be explained. He's ruining you and getting you in unwanted trouble. You should be the most disciplined, most perfect student on campus. You do know that mom and dad has high expectations of you, don't you?"

I tried to swallow the lump formed in my throat. This wasn't Zylen's fault. It's just my own decision. I want to choose my own way of life. I don't want them to manipulate me. I don't, but why can't I say it to them?

"It's, it's not like tha–" I was cut off due to a hard slap across my cheek by her.

''No excuses," She coldly said giving me an icy death glare. I flinched.

"I'm very sorry..."

"Good. You can go to your room and study now." With that, mom straightened her business suit and walked down the hall, her high heels clinking away. I staggered back, hitting against the wall and slumped down.

My cheeks stung, it hurt. I caressed it all the while having miserable thoughts. How very pathetic. Being the son of two successful bankers... This sucks. Just because I am their son doesn't mean that it's a must for me to take over their business in the future.

They don't have to barge in and deprive me of anything a normal kid will do. It's always study, study, study and study all the way. Even the word gives me a headache. I suddenly remembered Zylen's question, asking whether or not I had a dream. I've got one now, alright; escaping this hellhole.

Mom is always at my throat about being the most perfect being on earth, and studying until my brain leaks out. And dad? He doesn't pay any single attention to me. Unless I get first place in class. He'll say, "99% out of 100? You need to improve unless you want to be called my son." And then he just sneers at my face. No words of praise. Just a cold shoulder.

I'm all alone at home. I used to have only Allen and now he avoids me as well. There's Zylen... But that guy has some screw loose... All the same, he's still my friend though. Just because mom told me to, no way I'm just ditching him.

Deciding to get some fresh air, I went out and walked towards the park which was around three blocks away.

After reaching two blocks, I stared at this certain house. The curtains weren't drawn and the windows were coated in dust. It was already night but the lights on the porch weren't on. That's shady.

It used to be on rent but some people moved in recently around the time Zylen came. They sure are untidy people. Then something hit me.

Around the time Zylen came...  The words replayed itself in my head over and over again.

I know, this is crazy and all but... What if...?

I was knocked out of my thoughts when a car started honking at me. I realised they were the people of this house and that I was blocking the gate of the house for them to pass through. Embarrassed, I jogged over to a side and called out a sorry. Hope they heard me.

I tried looking through the glass windows of the car to make out the people inside but unfortunately, the glass was black. And the darkness wasn't helping at all either.

A couple, perhaps. I watched as they disappeared into the garage. Thoughts racing in my mind, I turned to walk away only to get startled by the owner of a pair of gray eyes... Pair of gray eyes...

His eyes widened in horror and so did mine...

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