»part 23 » fight night

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Today marks the first day of summer vacation and I couldn't be happier.

 I somehow managed to pass junior year with all C's excluding art. I honestly couldn't have done it without help. Ian helped me with all my English papers that I was struggling with because he's incredible. I was on the verge of failing my chemistry class because who can really remember the whole periodic table and still manage to be sane? I guess that person would be Lip. We spent countless nights together at my train track going over the whole table and different chemical reactions. When we weren't sharing breathes and stolen kisses, we were studying.

One night, I had the biggest panic attack of my life because it wasn't clicking. It felt like I was drowning. Do you know what it's like to be the only kid in class struggling to understand what everyone seems to get? It's fucking terrifying. I may not know what I want to do with the rest of my life but I sure as shit don't want to be a high school dropout. Fuck that. Lip spent hours trying to calm me down before he finally came up with a brilliant idea.

He told me to study the only way I would know how and that was to turn all the chemicals into art. In that moment, I fell in love with him even more. After I banged his brains out for being brilliant, I spent hours turning my charcoal art into drawings for each element. For Hydrogen I drew water. For Lithium, I drew a silver metal. For helium, I drew a balloon And so on. I literally did all of this for the whole fucking periodic table. It literally took me a fucking month.

But I couldn't have done it without the boy with the magical brain.

And you know what? I passed my final with a fucking B-! I've never been so...proud of myself.

So after a whole month of hard work and dedication, I'm going to live this summer to the fullest. I have my boy, my family, and my art.

Literally nothing can bring me down.

During the summer, I help Debs with daycare for the little rugrats on the south side. It's a pain in the ass but it brings in extra cash for the Gallagher's and myself. We spend all day covered in piss and milk while we make sure all the kids are alive by the time their deadbeat parents come and pick them up. Today however we finally got the fireman to fill up the pool in the back.

It was all fun and games until some kid shit in the pool.

Yeah, I fucking hate kids.

By the time all the kids left, I passed out in Lip's bed. I was gross and hadn't showered because I was too tired to put one leg into the tub. Truthfully I was a mess.

"Maybe you should actually learn how to fight." I heard Ian chuckle as the door opened.

I groaned as I rolled onto my side to get a look at the rowdy brothers who were pushing each other as they entered their room.

"Maybe you should go fuck yourself. Or wait, doesn't Mickey already do that for you?" Lip retorted as he pushed his brother on his bed.

I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes as I got a better look at the boy who had my heart. He had different gashes from the one above his lip to the matching ones by his eyes. His hair was all damp and his skin was glistening from sweat. He was a mess. Blood coated his skin and he couldn't look more beautiful.

You and I » Lip Gallagher [1] {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now