Chapt. 31) Parting

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~Elena's POV~
Today is the day that I leave Italy once again. It's really upsetting that I have to leave my home but I have other priorities.

I was giving Vincent a chance. We are mates after all. I got to see the true side of him after the few days of being in the hospital. When he's in Alpha mode he's so uptight but, when he's Vincent he's the most amazing person ever.

"Are you ready to leave?" A voice said breaking me from my thoughts. Abel's voice.

"Yes and no. I'm sad to be leaving this wonderful pack and my home land but I'm glad to be going back to the US." I said while packing things into a suitcase that I've gathered while being here.

"Ah, I would be sad to leave Italy too but you're always welcome here Elena. I know we might be second-chance mates but I still haven't found my first one. I believe you should live your life with Vincent. You were made to be together." He explained.

"Thanks, I'm sure well be having vacations and I understand your reasonings. Thank you for all of this, you're a great guy Abel. Anyone would be happy to have you as a mate." I said zipping up the suitcase.

"Thank you Elena, it means a lot. I'm also sorry for everything that's happened between us. The whole hitting thing isn't something I'm proud of but, I will work on it." He said smiling before walking out.

You could tell that it pained him to know he did that to me. His eyes held sorrow and regret. I forgave him but I will never forget what he did.
This is it. I'm finally going to become the Luna that I was meant to be.

Walking downstairs with my bags, I saw Vincent packing stuff into a car.

"Here's my stuff." I said while putting it outside the door.

"Hello to you too gorgeous, are you ready to head home?" Vincent asked smiling.

Blushing at his greeting and looking away I knew that I was ready to leave this place. "Yes."

We were getting ready for the long trip to the airport when another car showed up that had 3 younger kids in the backseat and a driver up front.

"Abel! Brother!" The 3 kids screamed while running out of the car.

Those were his siblings that I never got to meet.

"Annoying little shits!" Abel yelled hugging them and laughing.

I laughed and caught everyone's attention. The kids then started to ask who I was.

"This is Elena and her mate, Alpha Vincent. They were here on a visit." Abel explained.

They all bowed towards us.

"I don't bite and don't bow towards me! Come give me a hug!" I said with a laugh.

They all came running at me before engulfing me in the tightest hug ever.

"Enough! Enough! You're going to squeeze the life out of her. I don't think Alpha Vincent would appreciate that." Abel laughed removing the kids from my body.

I wish I could've stayed longer to meet these kids and actually get to know them. They were so adorable and full of life.

I had a passion for kids.

They are always so happy and careless. Their minds free of adulting. All they wanted was love and affection from everyone and that made me love them even more.

I wonder what it would be like to have kids of my own... with Vincent. Would he love them just as much as I? Would he parent them only the best ways possible?

"If we want to get on the plane in time we have to leave soon." I heard our driver say cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Aw! We want you to stay! You're so nice Luna!" The kids whined, their eyes full of sadness.

"I'm sure we'll be back soon. Don't worry you can always come and visit us too!" I said hugging them goodbye and kissing each of their heads.

"Yeah! Can we go someday bubby? Please!" His sister asked.

"Maybe someday Rissa. It can be a fun family trip." Abel said sarcastically.

"It looks like we're off. Thank you for having us Abel. I'm sure we'll speak soon." Vincent said shaking his hand.

"Thank you for everything Abel. You're always welcome at the pack and if you need anything just let me know." I said hugging him.

"You guys are always welcome here and if you need anything at all just give me a call." He said smiling to us.

I walked to the car and got in the backseat with Vincent.

Waving at the kids one last time, we were finally off. The trees around us blurring because of how fast we were going.

It only took us about 15 minutes to arrive at the airport and check in.

Standing in a line of people I was pulled away towards a different exit by Vincent.

I looked up at him confused. "We just lost our spots are you kidding me!"

"We don't need to wait, we have our own private jet." He said dragging me alongside him.

"Do all Alpha's have a fucking private jet?" I asked.

"Most do, but I only use mine for special occasions." He said as we arrived at the jet.

"What's so special about us leaving?" I asked looking at him.

"You coming home with me is very special to me love." He smiled before pulling me up the stairs to the plane.

He's literally the most adorable person ever. His compliments and gestures make me feel so important? Loved?

I don't know.

We boarded the plane and went to the back bedroom. Jumping on the comfortable bed I sighed.

"Tired?" He asked before sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yes, very tired." I replied faceplanting into the pillow.

"Let's sleep then, we have lots of time." He said laying next to me.

Rolling over, I rested my head on his chest. He followed by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

This is the most comfortable I've ever been in my life. Being with Vincent made me forget all the worries I had.

It felt like the world stopped every time we touched.

I just knew everything was slowly starting to get better.

Elena | ✔️ (EDITING SOON)Where stories live. Discover now