Sixty Eight.

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"Happy prom night!" Lauren announces as Camila walks into her girlfriend's bedroom. "You look really pretty, Camz."

At Lauren's appearance, Camila falters. She's only seen Lauren in a dress like, one time, on their first ever date. But even then, it was just a casual summer dress. But for prom, apparently Lauren's gone all out, allowing her mother to do her makeup and curl her hair properly. Her red dress is long and flowing, fitting her curves perfectly, and Camila isn't sure she'll ever be able to let Lauren wear her usual jeans and a sweater ever again, because she looks so good.

"Holy shit, Laur," Camila finally finds her words, "you look... incredible. Are you- uh, ready to go?"

"Hold on, I want to finish this episode of the documentary series I'm watching," Lauren says, moving her laptop slightly to the left so Camila can see the screen. The younger girl makes her way over and sits beside Lauren on her bed. "It's about the ocean. I love how... mysterious the ocean is. Like, we don't know what's down there, really. We know more about space than the ocean."

Camila laughs, and moves the mouse to see how much time is left. Ten minutes. "Well, I guess we can be fashionably late to prom."

Lauren frowns. "It's only a dance, it's not that important. The ocean is."

Camila resists the urge to ruffle Lauren's hair, what she usual does when her girlfriend says something adorable. Or does anything, really. "We're not even going for that long, Laur. You said you'd want to leave early, since it'll be loud."

"Mhm," Lauren hums in reply, "we can go somewhere and have fun. I am bringing a spare pair of jeans and a sweater with me, in case we go somewhere that my current outfit isn't suitable for."

"We'll probably just go to McDonald's or something," Camila shrugs, "but whatever. Can I borrow a hoodie and jeans in case, too?"

"Yes, you can pick them out," Lauren tells her, and Camila kisses Lauren's cheek and heads over to the closet, eventually settling on the Star Wars sweater she'd bought Lauren what feels like forever ago, and a pair of ripped skinny jeans that Lauren always complains are too tight.

After stuffing them in a bag that they'll leave in the car, Camila nudges her girlfriend. "Come on. Let's go."

Lauren grumbles. "I'm in the middle of an episode."

"You have like, two minutes left." Camila says, just as the end credits start to roll. "Look! The two minutes consist of end credits."

Lauren pouts, but closes her laptop and stands up, smoothing out her dress. "Do I look okay?"

"No." Camila shakes her head. "You look perfect."

Lauren blushes. "Good. I let my mom do my makeup. She was really happy, I've never let her do it before, usually I get Manibear to do it. But Mani was busy getting ready with Dinah and I was going to go over there and get ready with them, but my mom offered and she was smiling lots and I didn't want her to stop smiling when I said no, so I said yes."

"Cute," Camila comments, squeezing Lauren's hand and pulling her downstairs. Lauren puts a pair of heels on and wobbles a little as she stands up, staggering over to the door. "Comfy, Laur?"

Lauren blushes, but nods. "I'm fine. Let's go."

"You're not going anywhere yet," Clara says from the lounge, surprising Lauren enough for her to topple over in her heels and catch herself on the door handle. Camila moves forwards and helps steady her. "We need to take your pictures."

Mike walks out of the lounge with her, holding a camera. "We need pictures of our little girl going to prom."

Lauren blushes again and clings onto Camila's arm. "It's- it's not that important."

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