Chapter 4

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The Kingdom of Hell
Azazel's POV

The boy sat up, looking around at the bustle below. I didn't blame him for his expression; the people here didn't exactly hide who they were or why they were banished to Hell in the first place. Nonetheless, I had a mission to complete. I dragged the boy away, urging him towards the castles behind us. His pale face glowed red in the dim sunset, and I could tell he was afraid of what was happening.

The doors flung open as we arrived, the workers of the palace bowing in respect as I passed by. The long trip to the throne room was filled only with the sounds of our shoes against the cold black marble floor. Once we reached the throne room, I knocked twice, stepping back as I heard Lord Lucifer race to the door, slamming it open and darting around.

Surprised by the actions, the Earth boy fell to the ground, hiding himself from the gaze of his Highness. "... Well? Where is she?" Lucifer asked, annoyed. I sighed. "Look down, my Lord." He glanced down, finding himself face to face with the boy.

The Kingdom of Hell
Lucifer's POV

"Look down, my Lord." I glanced down, and sure enough, I saw him. At least, I assumed it was a male. Demons have no real gender, so it was hard to tell. Only the highest ranking demons, who's numbers were few, had the ability to choose and distinguish themselves by gender.

I stared at him, excitement flooding my chest. I waited for him to move, to say something, to do something, but he remained rooted to the spot. His trembling figure looked up at me, his beautiful brown eyes wide with fear. It struck me as odd, considering he knew what he was signing up for when he agreed to be my queen. Right?

It seemed to me that this was not so. Annoyed, I pulled Azazel aside. "Why does my future queen look like he's just been to Heaven and back?"

"... I don't think that's how the saying goes..."

"Just answer the question!" Azazel seemed nervous, and that gave me enough of an answer already, but I wanted to hear for myself. "My Lord... There is a... Slight possibility that the young boy... Does not exactly know he is to be... Your queen." I stood back, numbed by what he had said. "And... Why not?"

"Because I didn't tell him, in order to not put so much stress on him at once. Imagine, being zapped to Hell, and suddenly told you're to be it's queen! No one would be able to handle that rationally! Besides, I wanted you to have that honor. Since you're to be his husband, you get to show him around."

I knew this was mostly an excuse, but Azazel made a point. I should be the one who shows him around. How else would I get to know him, while at the same time welcome him to his new home?

Releasing Azazel, I walked over to the boy, crouching in front of him. I siled as kindly as I could, holding out my hand to him. He stared at me, or rather, my hand, but refused to move.  I sighed slightly, causing him to flinch back. Surprised, I immediately began to calm him. "I didn't mean to startle you, I was just wondering if you'd like to come inside?" He looked up at the castle, glancing around before looking back at me. I held out my hand once more, raising my eyebrows.

Finally, the boy reached up, lacing his hand in mine, allowing me to pull him up. He was lighter than I'd expected, and I yanked him up, pulling him into my chest. I could hear his heartbeat speed up and I almost felt... Nervous. It surprised me; for the first time in a thousand years, I was nervous. Because of a small human boy.

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