I want to say, "I'm sorry"

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A poem for break-ups.


I want to say, "I'm sorry"

I want to say, "I'm sorry"
But how?
When I know deep inside
What you are feeling right now.

I want to say, "I'm sorry"
But how?
When I've been through
What you are going through.

I want to say, "I'm sorry"
But how?
When it was my fault all along
Why are hurting today.

I want to say, "I'm sorry"
But how?
When I know sorry won't cut it
When I know how deep your love is for me.

# END #

Copyright © 2011, 2015, 2017, 2020 "The Yūgen Bard" (JC John Sese Cuneta)
License: 🄯 2015; Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International

FictionPress publication: 2011-02-15
Wattpad publication: 2017-03-26

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