Dear you,

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I saw the constellations tonight for the first time. The aching feeling I felt when you left still lingers. Despite how far I have come there is still a slight burn, like salt in a wound. The breaking of my heart echos through the deep empty crevice left in my chest caused by you. The constellations in the sky, far into space, shine down on me, hazy and young. No matter how long/ 7 months/ I am alone and brittle. Little by little the stars, vast in the dark abyss of space lone and solo and far and cold/ shine brightly almost as a yearning call to those who choose to look and wonder. They shimmer and sing a heartbreaking song, almost as though they're light depending on it. I remember almost wanting to be a burning ball of light in space, alone and far away. So far that as much as someone wishes they could reach out and stroke the powerful heat of a star, they could not. I saw the constellations tonight for the first time. I ache, I Burn,I'm cold to the touch. No matter how long I wish it was, i'm still brittle.
-I am alive, but I'm not living.

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