Control (6)

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Three hours and countless attempts later, I finally manage a reasonable landing.

"Okay, that's enough of that for now. We've gotta figure out your fire pronto," Toothless says, looking at me concerned.

I follow his concerned gaze to my arms where a subtle blue glow is running along my skin, just below my scales. "Uh, Toothless, is this bad?" I ask, looking up from my limbs.

"It will be if you don't learn how to use your flame. Now listen closely. Sit down." I comply. "Good. Now close your eyes and steady your breathing. Make sure to keep your back straight. Next, focus your thoughts inward; pay mind to every detail of your body, going slowly from the top of your head to the tip of your tail."

I have no clue what this crazy dragon is doing, but I actually feel pretty calm, so I'm just going to go with it.

"This is probably the only time I'll ever tell you to do this, but it's important for this one thing. Tune out everything and focus on what you feel inside. When you do that, search for a center of heat. It might be hard to find, it might not. Just find it and take hold of it."

My breathing evens out, and everything around me vanishes. It's just me. I go through Toothless's instructions, taking note of every muscle in my body and everything I feel. My blood rushes through my veins at a soothing pace, parallel to the steady beat of my heart.

Once I come to that particular part of my chest, I notice something weird. There's a rather small spot right next to my heart that radiates a pinpointed heat, barely noticeable as it is.

With growing elation, I focus in on that spot to the point where the heat of it is all I am aware of, and I grab it.

Instantly, an indescribable sensation overcomes me as immeasurable power spills from the core of my being and bonds to every cell. It teases every nerve with a powerful yet subtle chill that runs along my spine and to the very tips of my fingers.

My eyes shoot open and I am on my feet in an instant, breathing haggard from the overwhelming experience. I look with wide eyes down to my hands, and, with one simple subconscious command, they burst into flame.

It is a dazzling blue-white fire that gently licks my fingertips with untold power. I extinguish the flame and immediately bring it back, if only to be sure that I can.

For what seems like hours, I stare, completely mesmerized by the beautiful plasma. Power buzzes beneath the flame, begging to be released, so I concentrate on the energy, watching as the flames intensify.

When they become too much, I aim my hands outward and feel a blast leave my hands, followed by a loud BOOM! Slowly, I open my eyes to see the boulder I was sitting on...or...where it was, at least. All that remains are intense scorch marks in the ground and small, smoking pebbles lying in various places.

I turn around to see Toothless staring at me with wide eyes. "That was so awesome! You just completely obliterated that rock! What else can you do?"

"Uhm, well, I'm really not sure."

"Well then, figure it out. I wanna see more cool stuff." I swear, he looks like a kid on Snoggeltog. I roll my eyes before concentrating on my core once more.

There are actually a few types of energy there, subtle in their differences. I reach towards one and feel another surge of power flowing through me. Although...this one is odd. It's more raw than the last one...more wild.

Like the last blast, I let it build up beneath my skin and release it through my hands. This time, however, I watch.

And, oh, what a sight to behold. Magnificent arcs of white lightning branch out from my fingers and scorch the ground before me, leaving a cooked dirt smell behind. This one is going to be difficult to aim.

After that, I take notice of a weird feeling in my core, constantly shifting. With a little bit of prodding, an indescribable yet undeniably odd sensation encompasses my form, and my wings, tail, ears, and claws retract while my scales receded beneath my skin.

I rush to the lake to see a perfectly normal me, brown hair and all, teeth do look a bit sharper than what would be considered normal. Other than that, normal. Yeah, 'cause all this is completely normal.

Somehow, my clothes are completely fine; no scorch marks or rips or anything. That is an absolute mystery in itself. However, the greater concern on my mind is the feeling of suppression that overtook me the moment the transformation took place.

I quickly check my powers to be sure that I could still access them, and sure enough, the arctic blue flames spring to life around my hand, as unassuming as ever.

Remembering my companion, I turn to the black dragon only to find him gaping at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. "Y'know, bud, you are doing a marvelous impression of a dead fish right about now."

Still nothing. I...think I broke my friend.

Suddenly, his mouth snaps closed and he straightens his back. "Only skrills can use lightning," he says quietly. "Oh, that is so cool! Hey, you don't have to run away anymore, if you can shift like that."

I blink. How did I miss that? I can stay without everyone trying to kill me. But... "This form feels weird," I point out, shifting back into what I was before. Much better. "But...if it means I can stay..."

* * * * * * *

By this time, the sun is starting to set, bathing the cove in a shower of beautiful golden rays peering through the canopy of trees.

I look up to the sky. "Okay, Toothless, I should probably head back now. If anyone notices I'm missing, I'll be in serious trouble."

"Alright, but we're flying."

A smirk crawls its way onto my face. "What else?"

Yay! New chapter. So for the chapter with the reference to Thor, that actually is a real myth. I'm kinda into Norse mythology. Actually, a lot of types of mythology.

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