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Kate Pov

I woke up and realized that I wasn't in Jungkook's room nor Jimin's. I sat down and looked around

Jimin: Your awake

I turned to my left were Jimin was coming with a tray in his hands, he was shirtless oh right we came here yesterday.

Jimin: Why do you look confused? *chuckles*

Kate: I forgot we didn't sleep at the dorm

Jimin: Dummy *laughs* Here I asked to bring us breakfast

Kate: And you opened the door like that?

Jimin: Ohh do I hear someone getting jealous ?

I was starving so I quickly started eating and pretended to not hear him.

Jimin: Don't worry it was a guy who brought the food

Kate: Was he handsome?

Jimin: HEY!

Kate: I'm kidding *smiles*

Jimin didn't even touch his food. I looked at him he was looking at me with a smile

Kate: Why are you looking at me? You should eat

Jimin: I want you to feed me *pouts*

Kate: You can feed yourself

I went back to eating I was about to take a bite of my pancakes when Jimin grabbed my wrist and turned my hand towards him and ate it instead

Jimin: Yumm so good *licks his lips*

Kate: Hey you have your own

Jimin: But you won't feed me so I'm eating yours

I got off from bed and went to the table there and opened the curtains and sat there to eat while looking at the view

Jimin: Hey why are you there?

Kate: So you won't eat my food I'm hungry you know

Jimin: Fine fine come back I won't take your food

Kate: Promise

Jimin: I promise now come here

I smiled and went back to the bed with the tray and continue eating

Kate: By the way do the others know we came here?

Jimin: Only Jin hyung

I nodded as I finished eating and setting the tray in the table

Jimin: You didn't wait for me?

Kate: It's your fault

He rushed and  his cheeks looked so chubby from all the food he had put in his mouth.

Kate: You look funny

I took out my phone and took a picture of him.

Jimin: Yah!

I laughed and looked at the picture he looked funny.

Jimin: Delete that!

Kate: Never!

He wanted to take my phone away but I started running around

Jimin: Don't run away I'll get you

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