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Kate Pov

Lesley: Hurry up Kate or we'll miss our flight

Kate: Hold on I'm coming

I grabbed my backpack and rushed to enter the plane. We finally sat down on our seats

Lesley: Wait how long will they be in Japan ?

Kate: I honestly don't know but they'll be back for their anniversary to celebrate with Fans but they'll be going to Japan again

Lesley: They have so much work, they need a rest. I mean now they have finish their U.S tours and some Asian cities

Kate: They won Billboards!

Lesley: Yeah that too and now they have like 12 Japan projects they must be tired

Kate: I bet but that's why we are here to support A.R.M.Y are there too

Lesley: We won't be seeing them though right?

Kate: I think we will I'm pretty sure they'll be coming like I told you we can meet up. They just don't know we are heading to Korea to see GOT7

Lesley: It's being a while since we saw them. I've missed them, I'm excited

Kate: Did you tell them we'll be going?

Lesley: Nah I think it would be a great surprise for them *smiles* But anyways I'll sleep I'm tired

Kate: Alright rest well

I honestly don't like riding planes they make me dizzy. I feel like my head is going to burst. I'm also somewhat scared of them since all these plane accidents got me scared.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep this would be a long flight.

After a long flight we finally arrived to Korea god I've missed Korea still the same beautiful place I saw for the first time

Lesley Pov

We got a taxi and started heading to their dorm

Kate: Look over there is were we first met Kook

Lesley: You mean Jung-

She covered my mouth and did a shh sign. I realized what I was about to do

Lesley: Oh yeah haha I remember good memories

God I almost spill the beans who might know if this young man knows BTS

Lesley: We just came here to visit and he was the first one we bumped in to

Kate: Right I guess we are lucky

Driver: Alright ladies this is your destination

Lesley: *pays* thank you so much

Kate: Think they'll be home?

lesley: I'm pretty sure they'll be they don't have a schedule today

Kate: How do you know?

Lesley: Excuse me you're speaking with an IGOT7

Kate: *laughs* YEAH I forgot sorry

we walked to their dorm. We stood infront of the door and it was quite loud

kate: *laughs* I wonder what's going on right there

I knocked on the door then everything inside became quiet. The door flew open revealing Jackson

Jackson: Wait am I seeing wrong? no way!!!!

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