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"You've got really beautiful kids." I whispered. Harry and I were at the doorway of the girls bedroom, watching them sleep peacefully, after trying so hard to get them to bed.

Note to self: Don't let them have dessert before dinner.

Harry smiled a little. "Yeah." He whispered back. "I'm lucky to be a father." I looked away and looked back at the kids. "They mean the world to me."

"You know, I think maybe you should take a day off." I say, closing the door to the girls bedroom before I followed Harry downstairs.

"Another one? Rosalie, ever since you've been with us you've been demanding for me to take days off." He chuckles. "I'm starting to think you want me to have days off so you can see me more often." He smirked.

My cheeks burned red making me roll my eyes. "I mean for the kids. Maybe go to the beach?" I suggest. They were now in the kitchen and Harry turned on the coffee maker. "The days have been nice and I quite like the beach." I shrug.

"Mhmm." He hummed, listening to me. "My kids seem to be fine with me, it's you who can't get enough of seeing me, isn't it?" He leaned over the counter.

"You're too full of yourself." I say. This wasn't new to me, Harry had been flirting with me from time to time though I never saw much in it. We were at the friend stage at this point.

He chuckles and leans against the counter. "I'll see what I can do, if I'm not so busy we might take a little trip." At this, I smile.

"I'm sure the kids will appreciate it." As I say this, Harry stands up and walks towards me making me stand up straight, staring at his green eyes.

I'd be lying if this man wasn't hard for me to work with. He was so beautiful and all I could think of was the kiss from last time. He promised it wouldn't happen ever again but what if it did?

I watched as his arm extended, trapping me in between and as he leaned in towards me I held my breath but he didn't come any closer. "I'm thirsty." He says making me furrow my eyebrows before I noticed he was going for the fridge.

I say nothing else and move. "If you don't need me anymore, I'm going to go to bed." I say making him smile. I know he can sense me being flustered.

"Sweet dreams." He says lowly and I leave.

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