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After dropping the kids off at my mum's in London, I got on another flight to Portland. The jet-lag is going to be a cruel son of a bitch to me later on.

I take a Lyft to her grandmothers house and fall asleep halfway but after thirty minutes of driving towards houses that were almost identical to each other, we finally arrived at the address.

And once again, it was raining.

After paying, I made my way towards the front door and knocked three times but there was nothing. I looked around, noticing a bush by the window with some roses sticking out making me realize that I probably should've gotten her flowers.

I look back to the door before going towards the bush, grabbing onto the rose and flinching when the thorn pricked me and making me bleed. I hear shuffling behind the door inside making me quickly look around to see a single clover with five leaves on the grass.

"I'm so lame." I groan while grabbing it and standing straight. When the door opens, Rosalie stands behind it wearing a grey hoodie with the words University of Portland.

She stares at me before speaking. "What are you doing here?" She crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"Aren't you gonna let your boss in?" I asked jokingly before she rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut. "Wait no, I'm sorry it was a joke! Rosalie please, open the door."

When she did, she moved to the side and held the door open. "Come in." She says in a monotone voice. I looked around to see the same picture frames everywhere around from last time, but one new picture in particular caught my attention.

It was a picture of her with the kids, they were sat on the grass in the backyard, with Eric in her arms and the girls hugging at her neck with big smiles.

I smile and look to her moving books off the couch. "You can sit." She says, motioning to the couch. I removed my suit and sat, looking at her as she sat criss cross on the other couch. "Now can you tell me what you're doing here?" She questions.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here." I say, not taking my eyes off her. God, even without makeup and an oversized hoodie she's still beautiful.

"I'm sure you didn't just fly a thousand miles to play mind games with me Mr. Styles. So let's just go ahead and get to the part where I say I am not going back to working with you again." She says with a taunting smile making me huff. I look around and hand her the clover. "Thanks?" She says unsure, looking at it.

"I'm willing to pay you double what I was paying you if you come back." I say, leaning forward.

"This isn't another one of your business deals, Mr. Styles." She says, crossing her arms.

"Then I'll pay you to come back and be with us, not as a nanny but as their mother."

"Same difference, except I'm not their mother." She challenges.

"They think you are, are you willing to hurt them even more by never coming back?" I say making her look away. "How can you be this cruel?"

"You made me leave!" She points at me.

"I told you I wasn't going to fire you!" I bite back. "You left on your own. It didn't matter that I told you not to, I gave you reasons to stay and you still left." She stays silent before speaking again.

"Why am I so special you had to come all the way here to try and get me to go back?" She says, looking back to me. I could tell there was something behind her stare, hope maybe.

"Because," I say. "You always wanted to talk about us and where we stood, and I know I never got around to that."

"Oh, so you want to do it now?" She remarks.

"Why not?" I shrug. "What do you want us to be?"

"Stop doing that." She rolls her eyes.

"Doing what?"

"Treating it like it's all a business deal to you!" She replies. "That's all you know." She runs fingers through her hair, clearly annoyed. "What do you want from me?"

"I'll tell you what I want, and you can tell me how you feel about it." I say. "I want you to come back, not only for the kids but for me too. I want to keep waking up to you every morning before falling asleep to you every night. I want you to be there, and not as a nanny this time, but as mine. I want you to spend your days and your nights and every second, minute and hour and years with me." She looks at me. "Because I believe I can love you."

At this, she sits back on her chair while looking at me as if she's seen a ghost. I can get to love her, and fast. She's got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

"What about Renata?" She says after a while. "Are you forgetting I brought her back in?"

"No, but I'll deal with that when we get back home." I say. "Assuming you're coming back with me, that is."

She groans and slumps back on her seat. "Mr. Styles -"

"Stop calling me that!" I cut her off. "Please, never stop calling me Harry."

"Harry." She looks at me. "Where are the kids?"

"I dropped them off at my mum's." I say and her eyes go wide.

"In London?" She sits up straight making me laugh before she stands up and heads upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I raise my eyebrow and she stops.

"To pack," She grins at me. "Let's go get our kids back."

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