M&H Test #1 Please read! This was my first❤️

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Please be honest in this test! This test is just for fun, dont believe to the result but dont lose your hope either.
Multiply your points and in the end of the test you will see your result.
Then lets see who will you marry with!

1) What do you want to do in your free times?
A- Play outdoor games with friends such as basketball or football (50)
B- Play with your Phone/Computer/Xbox (40)
C- Sing or listen songs (20)
D- Read book (10)
E- Go out and hangout with friends (30)

2) Which sport do you like to do most?
A- Swimming (30)
B- Volleyball (40)
C-Football (50)
D- I dont do sports (10)
E- Basketball (20)

3)Which enstrument do you play? (If you play both of something, just select the one you play better)
A-Drums (40)
B-Piano (50)
C-Violin (30)
D- Guitar (10)
E- I dont play enstruments (20)

4) What is your favourite color?
A- Pink/Purple (30)
B-Blue/Turquoise (50)
C- Black (10)
D- White (40)
E- Red/Orange (20)

5) Whats your favourite lesson?
A-Math (20)
B-Science (50)
C-English (30)
D- Music (10)
E-History (40)

6) What is your sign?
A- Gemini (40)
B- Tarsus (50)
C- Virgo (30)
D- Libra (20)
E-Non of them (10)

7) Choose a song!
A- Sorry/Justin Bieber(30)
B-Sweatshirt/Jacob Sartorius (40)
C-Rockabye/Clean Bandit(20)
D- Tears/Clean Bandit(50)
E- Greatest/ Sia (10)

8)Are you Team Max/ Team Harvey or Team Marvey?
A- Team Marvey of course (10)
B-Team Harvey(30)
C-Team Max (50)

80-140= None of them😞
*I am sorry but they arent your Prince Charming. You can find better😁
150-200= You will date with Harvey, but then you will broke up. Sorry but he isnt your Prince Charming.

200-240= You will date with Max but you will broke up. Sorry but he isnt your Prince Charming.

250-340= You will have a happy life with Harvey. Yep! He is your Prince Charming.

350-390= You will have a happy life with Max. Yep! He is your Prince Charming.

390-400= You are perfect for both of them so you can choose your Prince Charming.

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