Chapter One

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I stared at the screen in complete and utter horror. Jenna Kaye. She was the one working for Wo Fat. And McGarrett . . .

"A trap." I finally got out. "McGarrett . . . he's . . ." I trailed off in terror, doing my best not to cry.

Danny gave me a hug as I stifled a sob. A single tear made a track down my cheek. “We’ll save him.” he murmured.

I nodded, breathing in my brother’s relaxing scent. If I closed my eyes, I could imagine it was my father holding me. Danny slowly released my small form, wiping away the salty substance on my cheeks. “We’ll save him.” he repeated, but I couldn’t tell who he was trying to reassure, me or him.

“Joe.” I stated, trying to hide my panic and hurt by standing tall and confidently.

He nodded in agreement. “Joe.”

Kono and Chin ran in then, obviously worried. "Please don't tell me it's not her." Kono pleaded. When she saw my depressed face, she shuddered. "We have to get him back. Now."

Danny, already in action, had his phone out. "Joe." He said, not giving him time to speak. "Get to HQ now."

There was a click on the other line, and I knew he heard. Danny called the governor next as I slipped into McGarrett's office. It seemed so cold, but it was the only place I could go to think. I mean, it was my office too; I didn't want a desk, so a couch was pushed against a wall. I started for it now, then made a slight detour to McGarrett's desk. 

It was exactly like how he left it, but it felt like nothing on it was right, like everything had changed in some invisible way. Some of his papers and folders sat on neat piles, and a few pictures sat on the edges. I smiled softly as I picked up one of them. It was a picture of Danny, Grace, McGarrett, and I, taken a few months ago on the beach. It was cute; we were all laughing and smiling and enjoying the sun.

I put that one down, instead going inside the top drawer, pulling up the false bottom that I knew was there. Inside it was a single picture. I smiled, thinking of the memory. McGarrett wanted a picture of us together, just wanting the proof of our relationship I guess. At that point we were both getting ansty, as we were the only people that knew. So he took out his phone and snapped photos of us smiling together, one of him kissing me cheek, one of us cuddling. And then one of us kissing. The latter was the one I was holding now, as he liked to keep it at work. The others I had no idea where he kept them, and truthfully, I had never really wanted to know. Now, after he was gone, I wished I knew.

Smiling sadly, I laid it back in the compartment, wondering if I would ever feel his lips against mine again. The door opened, and I slammed the drawer shut, although, it was completely pointless. Danny was the one who smiled at me. "Come on, Joe's here."

I nodded, quietly getting up and slinking out the door. Joe nodded at me while talking on the phone hurriedly. Whatever the other person was saying made him angry, because he mouthed some choice words before slamming his - no, Danny's - phone against the table, effectively hanging up. 

"What's up?" Danny asked carefully.

Joe's dark eyes glinted darkly. "The Governor refuses to fund our trip."

My heart stopped. "Meaning?"

He shrugged. "Meaning we're going black ops."

* * *

In a matter of hours, we were ready to go on a mission to ‘bring supplies to the needy’ in North Korea. Joe had gathered our ‘supplies’ and got us ready to go. Soon we were about to take off.

“Phoenix.” Danny said, our eyes meeting.

I knew what he was thinking despite his attempts to block me out of his head. “No. I’m coming with you, and if you won’t let me on the plane, I’ll fly there myself. This is my team too.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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