Nobody Said It Was Easy

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Chapter Seven

‘Running in circles, coming up tails, heads on a science apart. Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy, no one said it would be this hard. Oh, take me back to the start.’ - Coldplay: The Scientist.

“Reid? Spencer, where are you?”

Aaron Hotchner practically screamed down the phone at his young co-worker. Maybe this whole thing was a hoax; some prank. He prayed it was. He prayed that Reid was safe and in some café drinking his beloved coffee.

“Hotch, oh my God - I've messed up big time. Is the team there?”

“Of course.”

“Can you put me on loudspeaker?”

A numb Hotch followed the wish of the hysterical voice down the phone. Setting it down, the BAU team huddled around the phone to hear what Reid had to say.

“Before you ask, I don't know where I am. I suppose that's probably best - you don't have to watch me die again. The man that took me is roughly six foot, brown hair, Scottish and has a scar down the left side of his face. That's all I know. I'm sorry.”

Spencer Reid was obviously scared, but not being a newbie to kidnapping situations he was trying to act strong. The team were confused. The UnSub had never let a victim have a phone call before - but there was nothing normal about this situation.

The team could picture him, his curly hair falling over his pale face as he hunched over with his hand pressed to his face. His face would be covered in tears and his dark brown eyes would be wide with fear.
“I'm so sorry for my rudeness, and for all the issues that I've caused over the years. I know they've been abundant.” With a slight sad laugh he swiftly continued, “I have five minutes to say goodbye.”

JJ was crying. Prentiss placed a long, supportive arm around her shoulder. She knew that JJ had taken it upon herself when Reid had been kidnapped by Tobias Hankel. JJ honestly didn't know how she could face that situation again. The whole team stood in an atmosphere of angst and tension.

The voice on the phone spoke in a broken, ragged tone that could melt the heart of a stone sculpture. “Hotch, thank you. You supported me when I felt like I should have been fired, you've overlooked every mistake I've ever made and you've never once ratted me out to Strauss. You were always my ideal role model for if I ever became a Dad, you never let your job interfere with your love for Jack. And he's lucky to have you. I want to thank you for being the first to hug me in that graveyard six years ago - you are the most honourable and forgiving man I have ever met. Hailey would be proud of you.”

Aaron Hotchner couldn't fight the tears that slipped down his cheeks. He hoped that after they found Reid - and he hoped they found him alive - he could be the first to hug him again, but if they didn't make it there in time, how would he explain to Jack that Uncle Spencer was dead? He couldn't speak; his heart was caught in his throat and his mouth was dry.

Reid, unaware of how he had affected Hotch, moved on to the next person, “Rossi, I know how annoying you found me when you first returned. Believe me, I found myself annoying but I was totally in awe of you. I always wanted to be a writer when I retired. I suppose it's a bit late now. I want to thank you for being like the cool uncle that I don't remember having and thank you for inspiring me.”

David Rossi was fighting to maintain his unique cool exterior and he wasn't given the opportunity to speak as Reid said, “Emily-oh god Emily, I'm so sorry! I was stupid and immature. Why did I not understand immediately? Guess I was just so hurt that you didn't tell me that you were going to fake your own death, but know that I was so happy to have you back. Your my best friend and never forget that I will never forgive myself for being such an unsupportive friend.”

“Jayje - I honestly don't know how I can say goodbye to you. You mean so much to me, like the sister that I never had. Never ever blame yourself - forget about Tobias because I can tell that it haunts you. Remember that I never blamed you. You are stronger than the UnSubs we deal with. Thank you for being so strong and thank you for making me Henry's godfather. You made me so happy that day - raise him to be as strong as you and please JJ, tell him I love him. Can you all ask Garcia to give my Mom that voice file from the anthrax case and tell her that I love her too? And last but definitely not least, Derek. I guess you won that prank war. You have to stop letting this job get to you, because one day it will break you as hard as you break doors. You are amazing, start trusting people and find someone special.”

To everyone, Spencer Reid concluded, “I love you all so much; you are my family and you are everything to me - make sure they pick a good photo of me for the wall.”

And with a short nervous giggle, the phone cut out, leaving not a completely dry eye in the room.
Spencer Reid looked at the small disposable cell phone in his right hand. Dead. In a fit of fury he threw it across the darkened room. It hit the wall with a satisfying crack!

Leaning back in the chair his torso was restrained to, leaving his arms free, he let a fresh set of tears fall from his eyes. I must look like a wreck, he thought randomly.He quickly scolded himself. He was sitting in an unknown location with a man who likes to drug people and then strangle them… could this day get better?

As though the UnSub could read minds, a door opened - directly in front of Spencer - letting a sliver of light into the room. It was dank and plain, extremely functional.

The man gave Reid an eerie smile. “Well hello there, how did the BAU team respond to their little phone call?  Worried about wee Spencer are they?” The thick Scottish accent moved towards Spencer, giving him a strong whiff of alcohol. He was taller than Spencer and more physically built. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes like Reid himself only the UnSub's eyes were cold and heartless.

“Oh Reid, we will have fun - but let's start with an introduction. My name is Logan and I'm going to be killing you in four days.”

Bullet From A Gun (Criminal Minds)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora