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Chapter Nine

'Just crash fall down, I'll wrap my arms around you now'-Crash by You Me At Six.

 “Garcia, give me everything you've got on Logan Branson.”

 Aaron Hotchner clung to the table as the sound of furious typing sounded down Rossi's cell phone. He still refused to touch his own, wanting to forget the goodbyes that his young team mate had given them. 

“Logan Branson is thirty nine, originally from Glasgow in Scotland. He has a rap sheet, and not a good one - assault with a deadly weapon and drug abuse.”
“Hang on! A deadly weapon?” Prentiss' voice was sharp and dry, not wanting the team to hear the turmoil of emotions running through her at that moment.
“Yes, my darling, a knife.” Garcia was trying to keep up her optimistic view, but she was never good at this part. She'd nearly lost them all so many times and she was beginning to feel like this was the final straw. It was always Reid.
“But none of the victims were stabbed.” Rossi's voice, for the first time since he came back to the team, was inexperienced. Part of him wished that he could have been there the first time Reid was kidnapped, but another part of him wished that it had never happened. He was wishing that they had never got asked to come onto this case; that they had never accepted to come. If they hadn't, Spencer would still be with them.
“No, but that's not all. When he was fourteen, his mother sent him to a therapist after he had seen his sister get strangled by her husband. Oh boy, take a look at the sister.”
The team all looked down at their tablets. On the screen was a picture of a twenty year-old, her dark chestnut hair falling in ringlets around her face.
“She's extremely similar to our victims.”
“Garcia, we need an address.”
After rhyming off an address, the team hung up, strapped on their kevlars and went to the black SUV's.


 “Don't doubt me!”

 Spencer Reid jumped as the harsh voice shouted above him. His face was sore and bleeding. Using his free arms, he pulled at the tight cord around his chest. It refused to budge. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he struggled with it. He didn't want to die, but he knew he was going to. He was afraid.

A rhythmic pattern echoed outside the door to the dank room he was in, footsteps bouncing off the walls. Struggling even more, he used all his might to try and release himself but it wasn't working. The door flew open to reveal Logan, and he looked angry. When he saw Spencer in mid struggle, his face contorted into a deep fury.
“Did you think you would escape that easily?” He shouted at Spencer, grabbing his face tightly. Spencer swallowed, refusing to answer him, just in case it antagonised him further. Logan let go, a twisted smile coming onto face. He raised the hand that wasn't holding Spencer's face, to reveal a knife. It shone slightly in the nearly non-existent light. Spencer's eyes grew wide, “I...I'm sorry,” he mumbled.
“Too late.”
Logan drew the knife back and plunged it into Spencer's side. Pain exploded in his side, he let out an anguished gasp, and slipped into the welcoming darkness.

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