Chapter Eight

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Just a Dream

    The pain was suddenly over. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I felt safe again in the emptiness, there was nothing around to hurt me.

I heard voices all around me; some sounded familiar, but they all blurred together. Eventually they stopped, and I was in peace. Everything was black, I couldn't feel any pain anymore. Was I dead? If this was death, it wasn't so bad.

I was in complete darkness. I felt as if I were floating in an endless abyss. There was nothing anymore, nothing could hurt me but nothing could make me happy either. I was okay with it though; after all, all of the pain from the virus and serum trials was over. The pain was gone and so was everything else.

But, after some time I began to feel like something was wrong, I could feel it. It was almost like I was watching a movie and I knew something bad was about to happen. The calm that I felt earlier was being replaced by a pit in my stomach.

Suddenly, I heard the most familiar voice. I heard my mother.

"Olivia?" I hear her say softly. "Wake up Olivia."

"What?" I tried to say, but nothing came out.

I heard her laugh. "Come on, baby. Kyle's here."

I opened my eyes. I was in my room, and my mom was leaning over me.

"How did I get here?" I asked, sitting up. I was so confused, the last thing I knew I was still floating through space. What panicked me most was the feeling of my memories slipping though my fingers like sand. All of the thoughts that were just there kept falling away.

She laughed. "You must have been dreaming, silly."

Everything felt off, but I couldn't remember why. "Dreaming about what?"

"I don't know!" She stood up straight. "I know my physic powers are pretty spot on but I'm not that good." She winked.

I force chuckled. "Funny."

She grabbed my hand. "Come on, Olivia. I made breakfast, and Kyle is waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Kyle?" I remembered who Kyle was, but there was something that happened to him.. I just couldn't remember what though.

"Yes.. You remember Kyle right? Love of your life?" She poked my side.

I giggle, but something wasn't right. Kyle wasn't supposed to be there. I knew he couldn't be, but I couldn't remember why not.

I stood up and walked past my mom. "Aren't you going to get dressed first?" She asked.

I just kept walking, I didn't care what I was wearing. Something was wrong and I had to figure out what it was. I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There he was, Kyle was just sitting there at our table. He was playing with Ella, just like he used to. I began to remember the times when we would take her to the park. He was always like a brother to her. Suddenly I remembered why he wasn't supposed the be there.

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