Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil's Lioness

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Yes, you're not seeing things. I am back and finally uploaded a new chapter for HM,LM.

Before you read the chapter, I want to say:

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for going MIA and not leaving a note that I'm doing okay. Most of you have me on snapchat and tumblr and see that I'm active there (not as much but enough to give you guys a thought that I'm still breathing). I want to give you an explanation as to why I dropped from the face of the earth from this website. 

From my last note, I had told you guys about the situation with my mom. She's doing a lot better - A LOT better. Although her doctor had told us she has a high risk of getting Alzheimer's, we're not letting that worry us right now. My mom is a strong woman and I am grateful to have a mother like her as well as having my dad. 

Now, I'm not a very open person. With people here and outside of this website. I like to be reserved and I have trust issues on who to speak to with things going on with my life. I had opened up to one person and showed them my scars and troubled mind and I loved that person very deeply but unfortunately, that person did the one thing I hated the most when being in a relationship. Since then, I closed up to the point I distanced myself from everyone and allowed myself to go back to where I once was. You may be confused as to what I'm talking about and I'm trying to not rant on and dodge the topic but it's very difficult and I'm not even telling all of you this in person. But I want to be truthful to everyone who has supported me with my writing and the love you guys give is outstanding. 

You see, the thing is...depression isn't a very romantic thing as it's portrayed as. It destroys you silently and slowly. It consumes your happiness and you try to escape its clutches but its there, reeling you back.  It keeps you from doing what you love. It leads you to very dark places and you try to force yourself distracted with work, school, and anything but its there, patiently waiting. If you understand what I'm talking about and had or are still going through this, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. The last thing I want is for any of you guys to have to deal with this. I would rather take all the pain, sadness, and misery any of you feel from you guys. I rather have you guys with that happiness that's blooming inside of you. I'm not fully explaining myself for my absence because I want to give you a lighter side to it but that's what I'm dealing with. I'm over the broken heart and I'm dealing with this depression but I won't let it take the best of me. I want to keep writing for you guys and see your comments that make me smile and laugh. 

The day that you guys see me in person, don't hesitate to introduce yourself. I want to hug every one of you and see the person who reads my stories and support my writing. 

I want to thank you all for your support and patience. I'm sorry for my absence and lack of writing. It's been too long, hasn't it? I won't go MIA again. I promise. Thank you all for understanding. <3

I love you all. 

Now, let's read this new chapter you guys :D


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil's Lioness


"You're distracted."

Her jaw clenched tightly as she continued to dodge the hits coming her way. Those bandaged fists were coming too close to her face almost skimming along her skin. She could almost feel the rashness of the bandages. She knew those words sounded so true. She was distracted. She was distracted by a girl who invaded her mind every second of every day. A girl who knew of her dark past and her current...employment to keep her cousin with a roof over his head and protection when she's not around. This girl didn't judge her like everyone else. She wasn't afraid. She cared. It's been a long time since she saw that emotion toward her. A very long time. The last person who cared for her was behind bars.

Hate Me, Love Me(GirlxGirl)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant