Chapter Eighteen: When a Fake Relationship Backfires

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Alas, a new chapter. 

Thanks for your continuous support. <3


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Eighteen:  When a Fake Relationship Backfires

          It’s been two weeks and three days since I last seen Kat.

It’s not like I was keeping track or anything…

But it seemed odd. The times I’ve visited Ivan at his store, I had caught glimpses of Kat leaving his shop. Our eyes would occasionally meet but never did she acknowledge me. She continued with her merry way except she wasn’t alone. Two burly men dressed in black walked behind her, following her almost as if she was being protected. The other times were during the end of the day where I was ready to head home after class when I would see her leaning against her car with a hard expression, scanning each face of the student looking for someone. When our eyes met, I grinned at her and waved only to see her hardly acknowledging me once again. It was as if she was avoiding me for some reason.

Was her telling me about her past a bad thing? Is she angry at herself for inviting me in to see her past with no hesitation?

I spent those two weeks and three days thinking of more reasons as to why she was giving me the cold shoulder until Friday came and I was bombarded with Riley’s happy self when I had just exited my AP Biology class. He was grinning - per usual - wrapping his arm over my shoulders as we began our descent to the cafeteria. I was beginning to wonder if Riley’s overly giddy self was for my beck and call when I had the power to torment this young lad with his secret crush. 

“Evelyn wants to have a kickback at my place this Friday. Do you want to come?” Riley asked, tugging at the ends of my hair playfully.

I swatted his hand away and gave him an annoyed look. “I don’t know. I don’t like going to parties -”

“Parties and kickbacks are two different things, Mabel. Kickbacks are more relaxing and there’s no loud music trying to burst our eardrums.”

“I don’t know…”

Riley stopped us, grabbing my shoulders and made me face him. His gray eyes were pleading and he was beginning to pout which I found…strange. Riley should never pout again. “If I say there would be free food - courtesy of me of course - would you come?”

I tried to keep a straight face as I watched him pout even more but I couldn’t. I guffawed, ignoring the strange looks I got from other students passing by us. “If I said yes, would you stop pouting?”

The pouting was gone but replaced with his infamous and infectious grin. “Yes! You won’t regret coming -”

“And she’ll go to parties with him but not us,” I heard someone say from behind me. 

I looked over my shoulder only to have guilt wash through me when I saw the two familiar girls walk ahead of us. Celeste walked with her chin up while Shirley peeked back at us with a sad smile. There was a reason why I liked Shirley more than Celeste. Celeste was a stuck up bitch.


I blinked - and blinked again when I realized that Celeste and Shirley’s attention were focused on me along with the few students in the hallway. Riley was chuckling behind me while realization slapped me across the face when it all dawned on me. I said that out loud. I called Celeste a stuck up bitch loud enough for her to hear me. Did I feel guilty now that Celeste was confronting me or was I discovering my backbone? I don’t know what I was feeling but I know that Celeste’s temper was thin and anything could set her off. I guess my comment that was supposed to be a silent thought set this girl off. 

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