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A strong sweet smell filled my nose, a masculine and wood scent.

"Mate" A voice growled out which was barely audible which made my heart beat what felt like ten times faster, something attracted me to this voice, I wanted to hear more of it, it was calming I liked it.

"She should be coming around soon, Alpha, maybe a day or so" A very faint robotic voice sounded making my head only thump louder.

"Shouldn't she be awake by now?" A deep voice snapped only this time the voice was becoming louder, it was the same deep voice from earlier, it was back.

"She took a hard hit to the head Alpha, she's human give her time to heal" Another voice faintly replied.

What did he meant about my being human and giving me time to heal? Heal from what.


I felt my eyes flutter open as I was met with a white ceiling that was above me before I moved my view to my surroundings, my eyes felt heavy but I could recognise a few items in the room.

I noticed that I was laying in a large hospital bed with a large needle coming out of my wrist, that confirmed my assumption that I was in a hospital however I can't remember how I got here.

I attempted to lift my head only to be met with a pounding pain that maid me groan out in pain, where was I? Where was my mum, dad, grandma and Kyle?

Surely if I was in a hospital, they would be here? I began to feel panicked as I realised I was all by myself and I had no idea where I was.

I looked to my wrist that contained the IV needle, I winced before grabbing ahold of it and closing my eyes before pulling out from my skin which made a cry escape from my lips.

In an instance the door that lead to the outside of the hospital room was busted open as two women and a man came hurrying in their eyes wide with shock, as they stared at me.

However they didn't stare long before they were quick to react grabbing the IV needle I had just pulled out and attempting to grab my wrist to put it back in.

I let out a loud scream in protest as I attempted to realise my wrist from their grip but it was hopeless as I felt as if all my energy had been drained as they pinned me down, acting as if my screams and kicks weren't affecting them.

"We need something to calm her down, I've mind linked the Alpha, but he won't be here for another hour" The man worried as he continued to hold down on my wrists which they successfully got the IV into.

"We have nothing to give her, everything is to strong for her" One of the nurses fretted as she searched the cupboards.

I struggled to get my wrists free from the doctors and nurse right hold, before the doctor looked over at the other nurse that was holding my down before nodding.

In one swift movement they had placed cloth around my wrist, attaching me to the poles of the bed, keeping me in place.

I cried out before I gave up the struggle and fell limp against the bed, letting heavy uneven breaths escape my mouth.

"Luna it's okay, Alphas going to be here soon" One nurse smiled gently at me before the other nurse swatted her on the arm, causing her to jump back sending the nurse a glare as she rubbed her arm.

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