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Guys I need help, if you know anyone that can make covers please message me!


"Your okay now love, please don't cry" Fours soothing voice mumbled in my ear as I buried my face in his chest his thumb reaching and wiping away the tears that hasn't stopped flowing down my face.

I couldn't stop shaking even when Four handed me his hoodie I was still shaking, not from being cold but from the events that only took place moments ago. I was almost raped, Dylan killed a man and I was now back with Four someone who I'd never thought I'd see again.

For the past five minutes Four had been attempting to get me to stop cryjng and to calm down but all I could think of was his heavy weight on top of me, as I pushed at his chest but he didn't budge I wasn't strong enough for him.

Four had pushed open the door to one of the rooms quickly setting me down on the bed that was placed in the centre quickly making his way over to the window shutting the curtains as if he was still trying to block me from the secret that I already knew.

"I want you to tell me what happened, I can't help you if I don't know" Four kneeled down in front of me placing his warm hands on my knees sending shocks up and down them which instead of disgusting me like they used to I accepted them it helped me calm down.

I shook my head, I didn't want to say the words out loud, I didn't want to relive it everyone again if it was up to me I'd just pretend nothing ever happened and in the morning I will just move on and forget about it.

Fours face reddened slightly as he took deep breaths as if he had to stop himself for shouting at me until his head snapped to the door which quickly slammed open to revel a boy who I didn't particularly want to see.

"Four the pack has been overthrown, Finn needs further instructions on what to do next" Dylan didn't look at me once as he made his way over closer to the bed.

He was acting normal, like not just a couple minutes ago he had just rapped his hands around another humans throat and killed them. Just like that.

That's when Toms words rang in my head, Four was a murderer who killed innocent children, women and men and from what I just seen Dylan wasn't any better. But I couldn't trust Toms words, was he just saying that so if give him what he wanted? So I would start to trust him so he could get to me?

Four glanced at me his eyes softening slightly before he regained to his full height his hand reaching out to wipe the tears that were still on my face before he leaned down planting a short kiss on my lips.

"Dylan's going to bring you to the car, I'll be there as soon as I can" Four stated before he turned around to face Dylan walking towards the door about to leave.

My eyes widened when I realised he was going to leave me alone with Dylan, any other time I was be glad I was with Dylan but now, now that I had just seen him doing what he just done I don't think I can look at him the same again. I thought he was so innocent, that he out of everyone in Fours pack would have a bit of kindness in him, maybe what Damon and Ali told me is true maybe everything I was told about Four and his pack was true.

"No, I don't want to go anywhere with use" I stuttered threw my sniffles, they were making me doubt myself now, I thought I was safe with Tom but it turns out he was sick, what if they were just like him.

Four stared at me his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as just minutes ago I was letting him kiss me now I refused to go with Dylan. His eyes then flashed to Dylan the bright blue colour now looking glazed over as he seemed to be having a conversation with him in his head, I remembered reading about this. Werewolves could mind link each other.

Suddenly Fours calm stance turned into one that was the opposite of calm his face started to get reader as his bare arms started to fist up as he clenched them so tight each vein looked like it was about to pop before the glaze look left his eyes and his eyes snapped to mine.

"That bastard almost rsped you" He growled out before he began to take strides over to me, I could hear his heavy panting before I thought he was going to get mad at me only his hand reached out taking a hold of mine and pulling me up so I was in his chest again.

"I'm sorry" His voice sounding different muffled by my hair as he tightened his hold around me, being in his arms made me feel secure.

I felt my stomach drop, it wasn't his fault, he didn't have any part in it.


I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the hood over my ears attempting to block out the screams and the crys coming outside, it's now been around a half an hour waiting in the car. Dylan basically threw me over his shoulder after I refused to go with him and walked me out to the car, as I was outside I got glimpses of the horror that was going on.

We were now sat in the car, the black out windows preventing me from seeing what was going on but the screams and shouts indicated what was going on. People were crying, screaming,and shouting. I wanted to do something, I wanted to check on Damon and Ali, I could maybe persuade Dylan but in the front seats sat two men who remained silent the whole time.

Was Toms words true? Was four out there right now taking part in this, killing innocent people? I didn't want to believe Tom, his words now meant nothing to me but after seeing Dylan so easily do what he done and no think twice to,d me otherwise.

Yes I probably know he only did what he did because he was trying to protect me, but he didn't have to go so far.

The only noise in the car was my sniffling and my sobs every couple of minutes when I would hear another person cry out for help, Dylan remained silent his gaze in me as I stared ahead trying to block out the sounds.

Suddenly the door beside me was pulled open making my head snap up to see Four with a man standing beside him. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he reached out and grabbed me from my seat my eyes flashed down to see his hands covered in dried up red and bruises making Toms words ring in my head again.

The cold night air hit my bare legs as Four pulled me into his warm chest his hand on the back of my neck as his heavy breathing filled the air.

"Dylan go get the other car, we are staying in the hotel tonight, the land is available" Fours stern commands to his brother making Dylan not hesitate and quickly follow through with the actions.

I sighed a breath of relief when Dylan left, every second in that car made me want to turn around and start screaming at him, asking him why he just did that and how he was so okay with it.

Four then moved his hands to my waist as he quickly pushed me into the car that I was once in shutting the door, the screams were no longer and it was just silent other than now the two men in the front of the car were speaking to each other.

"Love you don't have to cry, your okay now" Fours voice soothed as his hand reached up wiping the tears I didn't even realise were flowing down my face.

There was so much I wanted to say scream even but nothing would come out, it felt as if my mind was screaming but my mouth wasn't working. I wanted to hit him for keeping the secret from me for all those months.

"Dylan killed Tom" Was all I managed to mumble out as I stared at the ground, I didn't want him to respond yet I was waiting for him to say something that would help me like Dylan didn't kill another person.

His silence only made it confirmed making me just shut down, I let out a sob as I felt his Warm arms pull me into his side as his hands gently stroked my hair.

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